Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 05:10:53 EST 2000 | Dean
It would be helpful to have some additional info on your line and process. Lets make some assumptions... Consider: re-tooling costs for your fab supplier. Can your supplier hold the additional tollerences for a larger panel. Can your supplier fab
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 05:04:57 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, The only problem with wave is loading the parts, and SMT is lower cost, and faster. We use wave for connectors through, and it works great, as it's fast when there is lots of connectors. I think he's panelizing, so he should be cool on doing m
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 17:10:03 EST 2010 | flipit
Remember this is a 30 layer PCB. If it is built in a multi up panel, there is lots of room for error. Lets say there are 10 circuits per panel. Say you have a 10% scrap rate that happens randomly within the 10 up panel of circuits. Apply this 10%
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 16:54:00 EST 2007 | bbarton
There are several things that can be done to increase throughput on you screen printer, including the panelization of your bords as Steve & Hussman has pointed out. However that's of limited use if you have plenty of stock that is not panelized. That
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 00:59:18 EDT 2001 | mugen
Dave. F. Hmmmzzz.... Thats interesting, coz as a contract manufacturer, we try to optimize processes asmuchaspossible.... simple...yeah! that's the word "Simplify".... We found that if you layout a production line, assume x10 operators, and one si
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 01:00:40 EDT 2001 | mugen
Dave. F. Hmmmzzz.... Thats interesting, coz as a contract manufacturer, we try to optimize processes asmuchaspossible.... simple...yeah! that's the word "Simplify".... We found that if you layout a production line, assume x10 operators, and one si
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 10:47:45 EDT 2002 | davef
Board fabricators purchase laminate in preferred panel sizes, such as: 16 x 18 inches, 18 x 24 inches, and 21 x 24 inches. A larger panel size provides more effective cost per unit area processed. In producing a board, the fabricator requires maybe 3
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 12:24:45 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea
| Hello all, | | Our guys here still have some questions on the "optimized" profile which sees a more moderate ramp up straight to reflow temperatures versus the conventional profile which has a plateau at around 150 Celsius. If the optimized profi
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 14:43:34 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | Hello all, | | | | Our guys here still have some questions on the "optimized" profile which sees a more moderate ramp up straight to reflow temperatures versus the conventional profile which has a plateau at around 150 Celsius. If the optimized
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 07:49:06 EDT 2008 | more_sunshine
hi i'm not experienced in creating pcbs but i have good background, and i have a bunch of questions. i have no access to world wide known pcb chemicals but i managed to get a cramolin positiv spray and i don't know if it is still usable or not? (di