Electronics Forum: optimizer for wave solder (Page 1 of 42)

pre-heat settings for wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 17:56:39 EDT 2000 | Gary Kemp

Can anyone give me a ballpark figure on where to set the temperature for the pre-heaters of a wave solder? Any responses are greatly appreciated.

Re: wave solder bridges

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 16:33:08 EDT 2000 | Ron Lasky

Jason, it looks like you have several options that have strong promise of working. I suggest you perform a designed experiment to find/optimize the best solution with these suggested approaches. Ron

cleaning wave solder pallets

Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 11:58:27 EDT 2006 | jsloot

What is the best or ideal cleaning method for wave solder pallets? I have been using iso prop and am not sure if this is the cause for having brittle wall material. I wouldn't think alcohol would degrade the durastone material. Most of my pallets hav

SMD land patterns design for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 14:08:10 EDT 2002 | gbriceno

I' designing a PCB with SMD components to optimize the land patterns for wave soldering. I find that the IPC-SM-782 land patterns are not robust enough for wave soldering, yielding ramdom skips and bridges. This PCB will also give me insight on sha

Micro crack for lead free wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 10:41:23 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

Bob, Great theory if you're selling SN100C, but I have to disagree that an alloy being 4�C off eutectic will cause cracks. When a solder joint exits the solder wave, there is an immediate drop in temperature of 100�C. so being off 4�C is irrelevant.

Micro crack for lead free wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 22:49:55 EDT 2005 | davef

IPC-A-610D Section 5, shows a variety of photographs of: * Good lead-free solder connections * Lead-free soldering anomalies Hot Tear / Shrink Hole is one such anomaly. This shrinkage effect appears primarily on wave-soldered joints, but can also

Plastic fingers for wave solder machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 10:21:27 EST 2000 | boca raton

I've seen some plastic fingers advertised for wave solder machines. Anyone used 'em? They are 'glass-reinforeced polymer resin', they are supposed to stand the heat, can be mixed with titanium fingers on the machine, and cheaper! (near and dear to

PPM rate for wave and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 16:16:19 EDT 2003 | swagner

What is the industry standard for wave and selective solder PPM defect rate for a world class facility, any responses are appreciated.

Safety equipment for servicing solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 17:55:28 EDT 2003 | adlsmt

Anyone have a good source for respirators, gloves, aprons etc. for working on wave solder machines? Is there some industry standard for what is required?

Micro crack for lead free wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 01 06:59:02 EDT 2005 | Joseph

Dear all, We observed visible micro crack at top side of solder fillet during lead free wave solder process. We did not see any visible micro crack at bottom side, and it always located at joints of transformer. Any input be much appreciated. Best

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