Electronics Forum: orcad bom (Page 1 of 1)

BOM Comparison

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 16:20:36 EDT 2006 | jh0n

I've been using an Excel plugin called Synkronizer with a LOT of success. I export a BOM from Orcad, 1 part/ref per line (2 columns), for each product I want to compare. Synkronizer does the rest - highlighting in different colors for deletions, va

BOM Comparison

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 19:47:47 EDT 2006 | jh0n

In two years of exporting bills of material from Orcad into the Synkronizer plugin in Excel, I have never seen an issue related to the software. Sure, some custom-written piece of software might incorporate an extra feature or two, but looking at it


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