Electronics Forum: organic solderability preservative (Page 1 of 26)

solderability test

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 01 17:03:15 EST 2002 | davef

J-STD-001 states the requirements for determining and preserving solderability. J-STD-002 defines the proper test methods and equipment.

problem in solderability

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 14:14:03 EDT 2008 | gregoryyork

Yes why did the Electroless Nickel layer split this is the ROOT cause. My guess is still that the resist was slightly miss registered over the copper and therefore poor adhesion of the Nickel ensued OR like I said originally the resist had contaminat

problem in solderability

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 14:39:30 EDT 2008 | vladig

No, we didn't do the test you mentioned, but did EDS on the joints and didn't see carbon their (which would indicate the presence of any organic-based contaminant). For the customer the issue was closed and passed to the board shop. We did work with

Unusual solderability issue

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 13:06:36 EDT 2010 | dwonch

Unfortunately nothing ground breaking to report. The board shops analysis (SEM/EDS)showed high levels of carbon and oxygen, likely indicating an organic based contaminate. They are still stumped on where it is coming from. We recieved some boards y

SMT leadless component solderability finishes

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 16:17:47 EDT 2000 | Dennis Fall

Typically, Sn/Pb solders are used to preserve solderability on leaded and leadless SMT components. Are other finishes (such as those used in PCB manufacturing e.g. Sn, NiAu, OSP's, etc.) frowned upon by PCB stuffers and their customers? I am intere

Re: Component solderability problems TO263 package

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 22:00:44 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Hey Charles!!! Where in earthly heaven did you get a TO263 with "large solderable tab (approx 8mm square) on the back and 5 leads"? All the TO263s that�ve reached-up and smacked me have been "TO220s" with a modified tab and three leads that are f


Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 16:51:46 EDT 2005 | GS

It stands for Elettroless Nikel Immersion Gold, a kind of PCB finishing Entek (there are several kinds) is a brand name of an OSP (Organic Solderability Preservative)kind of PCB finishing. Regards............GS


Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 15 15:57:11 EDT 2005 | GS

Organic Solderability Preservative, is a definition that you can find, for istance, on IPC-2221A (geneiric standard on printed board design) Tabel 4-3 (Final Finisch, etc) Regards............GS

Re: Nitrogen to use or not to use

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 08:33:54 EST 1999 | Nancy V

Luis, Go to the library on SMTnet and you will see Standard and Terms. Select that and you will be able to download the terms and definitions for SMT assembly. It is very useful. Of the terms you requested, only FPY is not there. I was curious a

Re: CuOSP and IMM Silver versus HASL

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 31 21:15:46 EDT 2000 | Dave F

From the SMTnet Library try: http://www.merix.com/resourcecntr/papers/osp.doc http://www.merix.com/resourcecntr/papers/hasl_alt.doc http://www.itm-smt.com/articles.html * "Organic Solderability Preservatives" * "OSPs - Better Living Through Modern Ch

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