Electronics Forum: other ip/qp 44mm (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Tape and Reel equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 18:58:49 EDT 2000 | Mukesh Lad

We are a tape and reel house,we use a variety of machines. If you are looking for low voulume, low cost and easy set up for you operators. I would look at Systemation MT-30, this is a good work-horse, I have used them for 10years for small runs, no

Standard kit in LVHM environment

Electronics Forum | Fri May 09 10:29:23 EDT 2003 | k_h

72 different part numbers, 53 being 8mm, remainder being 12-44mm and 3 tray. It may be low but anymore than 100 and you give up throughput because of feeder locations. And thinking about it, 70-90 is low for a low volume high mix line. I guess if I w

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 20:21:40 EST 2010 | steinerson

Hi Jeff I would recommend you to try unexpensive user friendly Juki Late Model KE760 series. you need a flexible machine that can handle components,fine pitch QFP. This machine is very unique. you can use even without an offline software optimizer,

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 09:00:40 EDT 2004 | rlackey

Hi, It should get you at least a 1997 machine, but the age isn't as critical as the UPS level - you want at least 3.2.3. They are good machines & are well built, and at least comparable with any other second user machines (although not in the Fuji/

Re: Fuji QP132

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 17:18:59 EST 1998 | Tom

| My company is now using Fuji SMT machine, and is now considering to purchase QP132. Appreciate if sone one let me know about QP132's capability, relaiability and atability on the production. And what is advantages conpared to Philips FCM. | |Other

Chinese Production SMT Machines???

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 17:36:31 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice

I wouldn't touch one of these Chinese machines if a reliable "no headaches" experience is what you are after. I'm sure they do OK for whatever it is they are designed for, but actual volume production not so much. As others have said, proper machines

Re: Cost per placement measure

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 03:38:21 EDT 1999 | Paul Gerits

Hi Morris, I work as a technical consultant, application specialist for Philips EMT (SMT machine suplier). For cost per placement complex calculation can be made. To make a easy one just to hav an idea you can use following. Information needed: Pr


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