Electronics Forum: oven temperature for baking bga package (Page 1 of 10)

component baking

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 07:24:12 EDT 2002 | bayanbaru

What is the correct method to bake or cure the component?Standard baking practise by us is to place the units into oven at 125 �C for 8 hrs directly. But I was told that the correct baking practise is to cool down the Baking Oven to Room temp and onl

PCB baking for rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 00:53:39 EDT 2002 | kennyg

What is a typical time/temp baking cycle for an assembly prior to BGA rework? This bake is intended to prohibit PCB or nearby component damage as well as protect the component being removed for reball. A 24 hr bake at 125C would be great, but often

PCB baking for rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 01:12:31 EDT 2002 | ppcbs

We find that baking PCB assemblies at 90 degrees C in a Blue M forced air oven is safe for most all PCB's that we have encountered over the past 12 years. We remove any external plactic hardware that may be attached to the assembly and also like to

PCB baking for rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 11:45:48 EDT 2002 | fmonette

The current IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-033 for moisture-sensitive devices does not include a bake cycle at 90C (it includes cycles at 40C and 125C for non-assembled components in reels or trays). However, the upcoming revision, which should be release

Pre-bake times and temperature for polyimide boards

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 08 08:50:35 EST 2005 | davef

Normally, you should not have to bake boards that are properly packaged and stored. Since you are seeing problems, baking makes sense. Consider 125C for 4 to 6 hours. Additionally, look here for more, while waiting for others: http://www.smtnet.

More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 00:26:04 EDT 1999 | Karlin

| Hi, | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | Question: | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a normal water cl

Re: More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 08:41:42 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | Hi, | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | Question: | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a n

Re: More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:40:41 EDT 1999 | Debbie Alavezos

| | Hi, | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | Question: | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a n

Re: More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 12:03:12 EDT 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

| | Hi, | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | Question: | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a n

Re: More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 23:36:28 EDT 1999 | karlin

| | | Hi, | | | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | | | Question: | | | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z

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