Electronics Forum: oxidation removers (Page 1 of 18)

MS2 molten solder surfactant

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 09:29:46 EST 2006 | pjc

�..... their material acts as a barrier to oxidation," is wrong Mr. N. The MS2 material "consumes" oxides therefore removing the oxides from the dross by chemical reaction and releases the pure alloy. It is not a barrier and does not mix into the sol

How to remove Oxides from older components? Fine Pitch

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 03:33:45 EDT 2009 | rocko

Pay attention that sometimes the ultrasonic energy may damage ICs.

Soldering to Inconel 600 Alloy

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 21:01:12 EST 2004 | davef

Bare inconel is NOT ment to take solder, because * Nickel develops a tenacious oxide layer that is very difficult to remove since the nature of the oxide is very dense, coherent, etc. * Chromium is difficult to solder. * Iron is difficult to solder.

problem in solderability

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 13:15:59 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

how can i be sure that the device isn`t affected by moisture ? i mean that if the pins are oxidized due to the moisture how can i remove this oxidization ?

Dross reducer for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 13:56:04 EDT 2017 | pjc

Kleenox is designed for cleaning and protecting the solder bath in wave solder pots from air oxidation and formation. Kleenox is formulated to remove oxides. Kleenox can be used with tin/lead and lead-free solder. http://www.americancleanstat.com/k

SAC305 preforms not wetting to ENIG pad in fluxless process

Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 13:21:45 EDT 2021 | SMTA-64387881

PWB Bake out or other elevated temperture processes can cause issues with oxidation of that Nickel layer. The gold porosity can vary from batch to batch, but also process changes can contribute. Are you baking the boards or have previous reflow pro

Re: Oxidated terminals

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 08 20:22:13 EST 2000 | Dave F

You need to remove the oxide before you can properly solder your [or any] component. Call your flux supplier ask them for a more active flux than you are using and for their recommendations on removing the flux residues.

Oxidation on BGA

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 20 14:55:19 EDT 2004 | mrmaint

Does anyone out there know of a method to remove oxidation from the balls of a BGA, other than reball. thanks, MRMAINT

solder paste selection for an oxidized pin?

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 10 14:49:21 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

what is the best solder paste type(RA,RMA,R,WS,...) for removing oxidation from the pins of our parts.


Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 20:32:39 EDT 2022 | swilson

Any Suggestions on How to remove oxidation on connector pins. The boards have been sitting for awhile and can't be washed due to transformers and open relays that are on the board.

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