Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 19 07:48:26 EST 2002 | PeteC
Have QFP at o.5mm pitch with leads too oxidized for the flux in the paste to de-oxidize(in stock for boo koo time). I saw three companies on the Internet that can "tin" (solder coat) the leads. Does anybody have any experience with having this done t
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 17:23:41 EST 2001 | davef
Now there�s a conundrum. You want the �best way to clean leads�, but you want to use the worst type of flux for cleaning leads. You say, �20% copper exposed� � * What happened to the solderability protection during this two-year storage? Wouldn�t
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 08:53:25 EDT 2006 | stepheniii
Are you worried the terminations might b oxidized? Do a dip test. If you have a solder pot carefully dip one termination of the cap into the solder. And see how well it wets. If that test doesn't satify the powers that be, then you can design a more
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 22:06:44 EST 2022 | smith88
Are there standards that dictate how long a EEE component can be exposed outside of a nitrogen bag before oxidation occurs? Since Covid I am seeing more and more caps and resistors that seem to have oxidation and do not solder well....
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 08:05:59 EDT 2020 | majdi4
In my opinion, it is not possible to eliminate the oxidation in a component because oxidation it is not removable .. the only solution is to apply a mechanical operation (scraping) and then tinning the part..
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 02:11:11 EST 1999 | Pete Sorenson
| During inspection and test we find leads which do not get soldered. Some are because of insufficient paste, but with others everything looks right. This will only happen on 1 to 2 pins, and it is not isolated to a specific type of ic or location o
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 15:44:55 EST 2006 | adlsmt
That is an interesting idea. Would the air circulation increase the rate of oxidation on the component leads?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 03:33:45 EDT 2009 | rocko
Pay attention that sometimes the ultrasonic energy may damage ICs.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 10:46:04 EDT 2009 | babe7362000
I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to clean oxides off of fine pitch components? Apparently the paste we use does not have strong enough flux to remove the oxides off of the leads of the components. I have validated the profile and that i
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 22:01:55 EDT 2013 | davef
Questions are: * How did you determine that the coating on your component leads is oxidation? * What is the oxide? BR, davef