Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 06:08:00 EDT 2019 | japinst
Hi. I have some feeders to sale. Are you still interested?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 20:00:13 EDT 2021 | naranjafresa
Hi, Anyone has experience mounting Micro SIM card connectors? In particular I am trying to pick a connector MPN 0788000001 (Molex), but I don't know which nozzle to use. Thanks in advance!!
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 07:51:39 EDT 2018 | sarason
Send me a copy of the format and I will reverse engineer and add it to my program PCBSynergy Here:- https://pcbsynergy.com/ sarason
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 17 00:04:03 EDT 2022 | klauss
I am mounting 3535 Cree High-power leds with p&p machine. First nozzle picks up the led normally and then it's placed good but after 4-5 times nozzle picks up the led like at an angle. looks like it holds the led from the side edge of the dome.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 09:59:13 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
> We unfortunately use GERBER data to digitize <BR> > boards more than any CAD. We are CM and many of <BR> > our customers do not provide CAD. With some <BR> > Legacy products, we still use 274-D Gerbers
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