Electronics Forum: pace st 30 (Page 1 of 11)

limitation's of the QSA 30 machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 15:49:30 EST 2005 | derengmao

I did calibration for the fixed camera according to the Training Center System's book. But it seemed it is for diciding the heads'offset, very few is for camera itself. When calibrate, It does recognize the calibration tool ad finish. However when te

Good Lead-Free soldering Iron???

Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 15:53:28 EDT 2008 | radab

I love my Pace ST-30. Not too expensive and works a charm. Tips are also reasonable at $6-$15.

PACE TF1500 or 1700 BGA Rework feedback

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 10:33:13 EST 2006 | MikeL

I know what you mean. Saw this in systems where cooling was not done through the reflow nozzle (i.e. PACE). What happens is that as you run 1-2 profiles, the metal parts along the pathway of the hot air (before it comes out of the nozzle) act as he

Starting SMT home company.

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 30 08:46:53 EDT 2007 | electronhose

I just purchased some PACE ST-25 systems for basic soldering and they work great. It was a deal at $155 each and they heat up FAST! Tips are around $6 each so the whole system is affordable. A step up for rework jobs would be the Metcal MX systems.

Rework Stations

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 03 15:18:27 EDT 2008 | davef

Good ol' general purpose, day-in, day-out ~$1k hot air rework stations are: * Pace ThermoFlo ST 300 Low Cost Hot Air Reflow System [ST 325 is digital] * Hakko FR-803B SMD Rework Station [FR-802 is digital]

Pace DeSoldering Tips

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 09:24:55 EDT 2006 | cbudzinski

Has any one seen any problems with the Pace tips sence the tips went Lead Free, We are going through 2 to 3 times more tips sence they went to lead free tips.

Leadfree desoldering tool

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 30 21:03:10 EDT 2006 | johnwnz

haven't played with them but the new PACE systems are good. John

Rework station

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 13:04:10 EST 2004 | jpa

I need to purchase a rework tool mainly for QFP's including 30mm x 30mm. I was looking at a Metcal QX2 and a Pace TF200. I would welcome any comments on these two products or any other suggestions. Also, is a preheater necessary?

PACE TF1500 or 1700 BGA Rework feedback

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 07:44:39 EDT 2006 | Holly

MikeL, I came across your post. We are also a small company looking at rework systems for BGA/QFN/CSP. .5mm worse case pitch. We had a PACE 1700 on trial and we found it clunky and unreliable. We also evaluated a PDR 410 system and found it better

Any comments for Quality @ AQL=0.1, C=0 ???

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 21:31:25 EST 2002 | ianchan

Hi Guys, Anyone have "comments/testimony" on having possible quality level achievements, for AQL=0.1, C=0 ??? Is this a realistic "1st Pass Yield" expectation? how about for OQC submission Lots from production? especially in a high-mix, low-volu

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