Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 14:11:18 EDT 2001 | SR Evers
I am designing a range of electronics packaging. Can anyone tell me where to find the dimensions of a VMU "C" sized circuit board?
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 05:14:04 EST 2016 | truewanderer
Hi, i have a confusion to read the dimension of BGA package from the datasheet. I have attached the datasheet below. Is this diameter of the ball 0.30mm or 0.15mm. I'm confused about the values given in the box. Whats meant by M, S, A and B. Please g
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 12:08:42 EDT 2005 | milroyperera
Hi, I always find difficulties of getting the SMD package dimensions as per the package type. Could there be a library which has all the SMD package drawings with dimensions? If yes where it is? If no what is the best way to procure such information
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 08:47:27 EST 2005 | jdengler
IPC-7351 is the most complete I have found but is still missing some. Look here http://www.ipc.org/contentpage.asp?Pageid=4.6 Jerry
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 10:51:16 EST 1999 | KenF
Could anyone tell me where I can find some literature/standards describing the dimensions and solder land sizes of all common SMD components available in the market? IPC-SM-782 does provides some but not all. Thanks in advance for any response. Rega
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 30 13:37:38 EST 2005 | Frank
If you get the dummy components catalogs from Topline, http://www.topline.tv and Practical Components, http://www.practicalcomponents.com you will have most of the common SMD parts. There have been many inquires about a master list, or complete list
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 03:28:15 EDT 2004 | alexei_shk
You are wrong. Files from MYData can be uploaded through network to PC with Windows. But I get text files and realy it have codes that I need to know. For example: In panel file I have codes like P1, P2, P3 and so on. In PCB file I have codes like F1
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 13:03:01 EST 1999 | Jeff Sanchez
Thanks John, That's a nice site. It had some good training stuff as well. I had seen a thread here on the forum for this same question and someone posted this link www.practicalcomponents.com . It gives all the package sizes and dementions as
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 11:38:39 EST 1999 | John Thorup
Try the Professional SMT Component and Land Pattern Book from SMT Plus. Link below. John Thorup
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 13:35:54 EST 2020 | jede
It's not any one specific machine. We use the Juki IS files. In one of the files is the feeder location and I am not able to locate where (was hoping someone had gone through something like this before).