Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 03:42:51 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22
Hi, It is very important to follow IPC JEDEC 33 specification for storage and handing of all MSDs. In many instances defects caused by excess moisture in packages is not immediately evident (pcbs may pass final test) but when pcb has been in the fiel
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 13:18:03 EDT 2010 | deanm
Regarding your question about buying equipment to vacuum seal the MBBs, according to the IPC/JEDEC standard, "Full air evacuation is not needed or recommended; light air evacuation will reduce the packaging bulk and enhance carton packing. Excessive
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 18:07:21 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22
Hi, First check what the Moisture Sensitivity Level of the LEDS is....you may need to ask the LED manufacturer. Once you've established it is moisture sensitive then follow latest version of IPC JEDEC 33 spec. for storage of them and drying them if t
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 03:13:35 EDT 2010 | mun4o
Hi, First check what the Moisture Sensitivity > Level of the LEDS is....you may need to ask the > LED manufacturer. Once you've established it is > moisture sensitive then follow latest version of > IPC JEDEC 33 spec. for storage of them and dryi
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 17:13:24 EDT 2003 | fmonette
John, Maybe you know this already but I just wanted to highlight a few facts about dry cabinets. My experience is that many engineers are not well aware of the industry guidelines and sometimes will buy a dry cabinet without understanding the key f
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 05:32:11 EDT 2006 | Rob
Hi Peter, are you talking about storage times after opening sealed packaging and the effects on solderability due to oxidisation/moisture sensitivity? Cheers, Rob
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 16 20:41:41 EDT 2008 | davef
Q1. Can anyone tell me if there is a procedure for storing raw PCB's? A1. Yes, there are thousands of procedures for storing raw PCB. Why so many? Everyone writes their own procedure. Generally, they say: * Boards require individual separation and p
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 09:15:19 EDT 2006 | Rob
Hi Peter, Out of the 1.5 billion components we shipped last year, we had 3 components back for solderability issues. All 3 had been taken out of their vacuum packaging and left to oxidize for a number of weeks. We don't see it as an issue, but we
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 21:45:21 EDT 2017 | kmno40711
We have been using InoAuto carts since 2015 and we have a number of them on our floor. We bought few of their passive carts on 2014 IPC show and that's how we know them. Although we already have efficient vertical revolving storage systems, we have
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 20 10:41:22 EDT 1999 | Eric Lerz
Our company (assembler and user) has experienced some board problems relating to warpage and solderability. The manner in which they are packaged by our fabricators and stored in our stock prior to assembly has been questioned (as one of many factor