Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 06:47:17 EDT 2005 | dougs
Is there a standard that we should aim for in respect to the strenght of the solder on SMT leads? We have a customer who are testing our product by pulling leads off of pads then returning them.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 09:02:10 EDT 2005 | dougs
you tell me, the customer has started to pull at some of the leads of some IC's with tweezers while de-bugging boards that had failed in the field, he was able to pull some of the leads away from the solder joints, we feel he may be over-doing it a
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 03:18:01 EDT 2004 | Joseph
Dear all, Recently our customer complaint that some components being came off from the pcba after dropping test.But the curious is, the leads show visible solder fillet covering more than 75% of termination area on pad, which is acceptable as per IP
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:07:24 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper
If there's no shear strength standard for solder joint, how will I define my pad width and length then. I have a 8.5 mils width and my component lead width is 8.66 mils based on manufacturer's minimum width specification. How will I identify that it
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 07:39:05 EST 2005 | davef
There is no standard. This is a relative test. If you wish to do tests of this kind, we suggest to pay attention to the following points: * Shear strength of soft solder depends on the deformation speed applied. The faster the material is deformed t
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 18:07:22 EDT 2001 | mparker
Kenny- there are a few standards by IPC and EIA that address the strength of solder. A pull test (which is a destructive test) will average 1500 PSI per joint. My concern is that you are wanting to increase solder volume for an 0805 component by inc
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:31:19 EDT 2001 | kennyhktan
Kenny- there are a few standards by IPC and EIA > that address the strength of solder. A pull test > (which is a destructive test) will average 1500 > PSI per joint. > > My concern is that you are > wanting to increase solder volume for an 0805
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:46:03 EST 2005 | chunks
There is no spec because solder is designed to provide an electrical connection not a mechanical connection to hold the part on. If it where mechanical we�d be welding our parts on. Your pad width and length are derived from your component manufact
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 08:13:29 EDT 2002 | davef
Don't sound proper. There is no specification. Pad peel strength test methods are: * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.21 for multiple solderings * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.8 for copper peel with a Instron machine. Typical requirement for Cu is: 6 lbf/in [1
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 21:04:50 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| Hi there, | I am looking for some informations concerning the shear or pull strength of a typical TQFP 20 mils leads in relationship with the Copper/Tin intermetalic layer thickness. Could anyone help? | | Thank in advandce. | rgs, | chiakl Chiakl