Electronics Forum: paint (Page 1 of 26)

Gold finger touch-up paint

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 12:18:53 EDT 1999 | Gary Kemp

We are having a discolorization problem with the gold fingers on our PCB's. I have been made aware that there is a gold touch-up paint (masking) that is available. Would anyone know where I can get my hands on some of it? Any help would be appreci

Metallic paint for SMT machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 22 05:40:54 EST 2017 | hemant_pang

We are having Fuji SMT machines for which we want to go for new metallic paint coating, can anyone advise on this for selecting paint specifications and any expert available who can guide us

Re: Gold finger touch-up paint

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 14:26:28 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

A paint might be pretty but it won't do anything but bad for your fingers. What dave is suggesting that you run a search for is actually a spot re-plating process that you can perform with little mess or fuss. But really, find out why it happened a

Re: Gold finger touch-up paint

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 14:11:25 EDT 1999 | Dave F

Gary: Two things: 1 Reworking golding fingers is an old topic, check the SMTnet archives to get started. 2 Gold fingers should not be discoloring, unless: * You are doing something bad to them ... OR * Your supplier has doinked the process, which

Touch up paint for Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 12:31:47 EST 2003 | gregcr

hi all Can anyone give me a place to get touch up paint for the GSM exterior. I had the Sherwin Williams paint code but it seems I have misplaced it. Thanks for the help!

Missing paint on a surface mount resistor

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 00:08:51 EDT 2020 | smith88

In IPC 9.2 it shows missing paint the pic is terrible, is the missing paint the defect or is it damaged down under a protective layer that is the internal element.

Touch up paint for Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 13:57:39 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi Hopefully one or maybe two of the UNIVERSAL people on this list will give you your information. I am not sure I would use the paint you have selected. YiEng, MA/NY DDave

Touch up paint for Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 14:35:10 EST 2003 | russ

Out of curiosity why wouldn't you use sherwin williams? (french owned?) Russ

Missing paint on a surface mount resistor

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 13:30:04 EDT 2020 | emeto

If there is damage of the glass coating or exposure of the resistive element it is a defect.

Touch up paint for Universal GSM

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 31 17:59:25 EST 2003 | mgc

Universal Customers are always welcome to use any of our available support options to obtain services or parts. I have attached the link to our web shopping site where I am certain that you may obtain the touch up paint you need. http://www.uic.com

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