Electronics Forum: pallet making machine (Page 1 of 276)

Wave soldering pallet

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 09:20:27 EST 2016 | sumote

If you have some budget left over from buying the machine, contact the guys at Pentagon EMS. They build a bullet-proof wave pallet. They can make a board specific, for each assembly, or a generic-adjustable one that can be used for most boards. I can

Fresh start on making boards

Electronics Forum | Fri May 02 08:43:48 EDT 2008 | chineechooze

I am Indian and a guru in industry so let me answer questions one by one 1. What is the future status on thru-hole boars, are they going to stay for long time on a market? TRU-HOLE MAKING A BIG COME BACK. THEY COME IN THE LEADFREE NOW. 2. Which

Fresh start on making boards

Electronics Forum | Fri May 02 00:22:15 EDT 2008 | deni

Hi everyone, I am an Electrical Engineer (BT). I am interested to start my own business on building up electronic boards (thru-hole and SMT). I have never done this work before except practice in college. My questions are: 1. What is the future sta

Printing on a pallet

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 29 19:26:51 EDT 2014 | pnguyvu

Hi KKay, Contact Steve at USA STENCILS INC, Will make you a free first article free of charge smt pallet to print and reflow multiple board at a time. Below is his contact info. Steve@usastencils.com 714-636-6211

Solder pallet cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 22:24:48 EST 2016 | anhsang38

We are currently using wave solder pallet for our wave soldring process. I want to find a solder pallet cleaner machine that for cleaning pallet. Does anyone know where can i buy this machine. Pls, advise me for this case.

Solder pallet cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 17 23:15:18 EDT 2017 | ivyzhang

Hello sir , our SM-8400N wave solder pallets cleaning machine is your best solution, Fully automatic with Washing -rinsing -drying process. For machine details ,please email me :assistant@china-sam.com .

Printing on a pallet

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 07:18:28 EDT 2014 | kkay

Thanks for the feedback, this really helps us out! What kind of machine is being used to depanel the boards?

Printing on a pallet

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 25 10:27:51 EDT 2014 | swag

You might look at "Tacsil". It's a product we've used over the years for stuff like this. It's basically a sheet of material that can be cut into any shape with scissors or X-acto that's sticky on both sides. It can go thru reflow a bunch of times

Wave soldering pallet

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 08:15:29 EST 2016 | anhsang38

Hello everyone My company have just bought a new Wave Soldering. Therefore, i want to know how to design the pallet for this machine. Does everyone have pdf document that relative the structure of Pallet. Thank you so much.

Printing on a pallet

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 09:01:35 EDT 2014 | jax

You should never try to print more than one board at a time if utilizing a fixture. You should have a single image fixture for the printer and an array fixture for the machines... where fiducials can be used to correct positional variations.

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