Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 11:07:43 EST 2001 | cjrjmj
I am looking for some assistance with placement accuracy studies for chipshooters(Fuji CP4-Cp642) and platform machines (GSM all configurations, Siemens HS50/S25). I would like some information on companies and recommendations on process of evaluatin
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 09:57:50 EST 2001 | cjrjmj
I did a quick some quick searches for Accuspec and saw some links to a PCB manufacturer. Is this the same company, or do you know the #?? I am not really in the equipment evaluation mode. I am looking for a system that will assist in maintaining cap
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 06:57:22 EDT 2015 | cyber_wolf
Linux, The amount of error that you are describing is about the thickness of a human hair. Unless you are placing 0201's I can't understand why .12 is an issue. There are many factors that can effect placement accuracy on a CP6 For instance: 1. M
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 04:44:55 EDT 2006 | basem
We choose i-PULSE as our#1. However, we have concerns in regards to maintainance, reliability, and accuracy. High density, small form factor, and high performance products. If you think the M4Es can do the job for us, then let us know. Thanks, Bas
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 20:37:21 EDT 2006 | basem
Does anyone on this forum has experience with any of i-PULSE SMD placement systems? I am looking at the M4e. Also, can someone advise me on what to choose if the desired final circuit is of very high density and small pitch (0.5mm)? I am considerin
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 10 07:53:30 EST 2003 | byates
PAM uses precision cut black plastic parts against a white contrasting background why is this not acceptable??
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 08 18:15:14 EDT 2003 | kent_peterson
Running the PAM board is a great tool. Using another machine to get you CPK is very inportant. We use the DT651 which does everything the PAM rom card does plus it gives a CP and CPK value. You can also use it to verify feeders in the X and Y. SMT re
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 10:50:25 EST 2003 | ggspook
Hi Mike Interested on your thoughts about (Pam) Placement Accuracy Measurement I am looking into establishing Accurate repeatability of my equipment we check our calibrations Regular and the calibrations are in spec but this does not guarantee
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 10 14:13:36 EST 2003 | msivigny
Hello Bill, As I mentioned in an earlier thread, I was not familiar with the PAM system but have since been given a quick run down on how it performs its measurement routine. It is an acceptable way to measure and optimze Fuji chip shooter performanc
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 10:13:19 EDT 1999 | Bill Bannister
The Brady PAM 5000 may work for you as well. I think they have a web site. This machine is smema compatible. It's automatically places barcode labels onto pcb's within an 18"x22" area with .020" accuracy. The labels can be placed at 0 or 90 deg onto