Electronics Forum: panapro file transfer (Page 1 of 5)

JUKI configuration file locatioon

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 29 06:48:11 EDT 2022 | jojoled

I have old JUKI machine, which after power loss seems to have corupted configuration file(all works fine,except Vision configuration for fiducial recognition : camera is unable to read/ write parameters for Vision), can anybody help to tell which fil

MCS30: how to transfer data from a windows PC ?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 02 13:57:30 EDT 2007 | rodrigo

Hi all, We have an MCS30 connected to a CP6 and CP4 smt machines. Every time we need to set up a job, the operator has to type the data at the MCS30 terminal. We already have this data in a Windows PC file. I saw a ethernet and several unused serial

Step by step instructions: How to import prn file and set-up fiducials on pcb (On a My Data My9 SMT machine)

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 31 11:19:32 EST 2018 | robertbronx

We have in our Co. an used My Data SMT (Version 2.5.4d) machine but we have a problem. After creating the file we import with a flash drive.We load and set the two fiducials and after everything is done we try to EXPORT the PCB file instead of being

PanaPro DSM

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 09:37:06 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

I am a heavy, PanaPRO user. In fact, I have been using PanaPRO for many more years that I am willing to admit. Lets just say, I remeber when PanaPRO was called PanaTools. I am not famular with the PanaPRO DSM module. I use PanaPRO IPO to generate

PanaPRO and Sanyo TCM-V850 (HSP 4785) Programming

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 11:07:24 EST 2006 | ratsalad

If anyone is interested, I've written a program to read the PanaPRO .pcb file and generate a Sanyo TCM-V850/UIC 4785 program. It sure beats entering the program manually.

Way to port SMT program from Mydata to Panasonic?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 12:37:57 EDT 2008 | stepheniii

Panapro can be set up for the centroid data in any order. You won't be able to load the centroid data straight into the machine though. At one time I used Unicam to program a mydata. Then we got a panasonic line. The panarep said we could configure

Transferring backed up files to new hard drive compaq prolinea 4/33s

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 06 16:10:25 EST 2016 | teslalab2

Hi! I have a Quad IVc pick and place that runs dos. The GUI computer is a compaq prolinea 4/33s. The hard drive went stupid mode and now wont respond. I have all of the data backed up. I tried transferring the files to a fairly modern hard drive (20g

Transferring backed up files to new hard drive compaq prolinea 4/33s

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 06:08:12 EST 2016 | bobpan

I think there are size limitations for the hard drive in those old computers. I would look on ebay and try to find an exact replacement and transfer your files onto it. I think it should work if everything is copied. good luck

Universal GSM Placement Data...

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 09:59:37 EST 2007 | ratsalad

If you need any info about the 4785, let me know. If you understand Perl I'd be happy to send you the software I wrote for 4785 program generation. Mine is based around PanaPRO but it would at least give you a very simple optimization routine if

Need Help Operating CSM84VZ

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 11:08:08 EST 2011 | tpappano

Follow that same link I gave you for the sample files, there is a zip of a file transfer utility specifically for these machines. (I sent you an email, too) Enjoy, Tom

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