Electronics Forum: panasonic and sp60p-l and printer (Page 1 of 1)

Best solder paste printer with solder paste inspection and AOI function-Recomendation

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 19:25:24 EDT 2022 | jojoled

Thanks "Spoiltforchoice" for Informations, I have found allready a Chinese company which has such machines, just wanted to check other options from other countries too. I know it is from other end of linear process, but from my point of view (plus wh

SMT optimization and improvement

Electronics Forum | Sun May 28 23:01:31 EDT 2006 | jacksaria

Hello to all, We are encountered many problems/defects in SMT lines.I would like to know your suggestion or recommendation for SMT optimization and improvement. What are the step by step solutions in order to optimized and to improve the printer, pi

Panasonic MV2C pick and place.

Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 11:42:52 EDT 2020 | ccouture

It's good you were able to access the secret screen. Counter overflow I think relates to the machine having lost it's machine origin position data. Do you have a printer in the machine to print the machine data? This is very long time ago for me, an

What is your experiances and opinions about Mirtec MS-11 3D?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 14:44:42 EDT 2020 | mcbasol

Dear Evtimov, Thank you for reply. We have decided to buy MS-11 3D due to competitive price and technical service in Turkey. Also, the technical information is quite good. Another reason that we eill buy Panasonic SPG2 Printer, too. Panasonic is solu

Re: Help on Qualification of Printer and Pick Place

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 15:25:02 EST 1998 | Stefan W.

Hi Samson ! In order to give you more detailed information I would like to know what your component range is and how many boards you supposed to do. Panasonic and MPM are a good choice, however, Panasonic has not many P&P machines on the U.S. market,

looking for any body that works on old Panasonic MV, Fuji CP642, Speedline MPM 2000 and 3000

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 16:55:27 EDT 2015 | aemery

Been working on MPM printers for 20+ years; it's what I do! (CM, Speedline FSE/Trainer, Independent contractor) If MPM built, I keep them running. AP's to Accela's. info@primetechservices.net 858.449.0007


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