Electronics Forum: panasonic c con belt (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 17:21:55 EDT 1998 | aa

| I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow up

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 19:23:18 EDT 1998 | Jimmy Strain

| I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow up

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 12:18:58 EDT 1998 | Peter

| | I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow

Panasonic MV2C pick and place.

Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 16:35:21 EDT 2020 | gabriel1blue

Thank you! I think the rotary counter motor went out or the belt broke? The left side is moving fine the right doesn't move at all. If I push the right side very close to origin point some times the machine will complete the process. I'll check that

Re: Pad Design

Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 22:32:38 EDT 1998 | Jon Medernach

A pad design shaped like Home Plate will eliminate the problem, You can get info from Create Group at Panasonic FA They have the patent on this style pad and the most experience working with the 0402 and now have qualified the 0201 Caps from Murata

Re: Vibratory Feeder

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 16:50:50 EDT 1998 | Steve Schrader

| I have just been asked to do research into vibratory/belt feeders by my mangement. We are transistiioning into a more short run JIT environment for our captive products. My investigation has turned up two suppliers (USVibra, and Comtra Systems). D

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:05:25 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT chip mounter Reflow Ovens: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-assembly-line-equipment-SMT-spare-parts-Dek-Motor-188962.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-Conveyor-for-LED-Production-Line-SMT-Assembly-Line.html http://www.flason-


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