Electronics Forum: panasonic cm402/602 8mm feeders (Page 1 of 2)

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 14:58:59 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture

Just to add my 2 cents on the adjustment of pitch on MPA feeders: True: Panasonic do not make it easy to change the pitch on MPA feeders, the thickness of a metal part is what sets the pitch. My solution: for example, I get a 24mm X 12mm pitch MPA

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:03:28 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

flason smt pick and place machine: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-IC-placer-SM321-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-Pick-and-Place-Machine-DECAN-F2-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html htt

Re: SimmBlaster

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 17 14:31:48 EDT 1998 | Jim Gurley

| Does anyone know how many 8mm feeder positions the Panasonic MV2F SimmBlaster can hold. I read an article saying 30/30 split carriage, and another article saying 75/75. This info. was taken from "U.S. Tech", and the January edition of Circuits Asse

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 12:18:58 EDT 1998 | Peter

| | I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow

SMT Jumpers (links)

Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 19:29:03 EDT 2000 | Peter van den Berg

We're looking for a source of SMT links (Jumpers) 8mm - 10mm(.312in -.4in)long, capable of being placed by Panasonic MV2 series or MPA machines. Does anyone manufacture a feeder that creates links on demand?

CM602 Tape Speed & Strength

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 07:04:42 EDT 2010 | dervinsanjose

Anybody who could help me what is the tape peel off speed of PANASONIC CM602 for 8mm feeder? Appreciate your feedback.


Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 17 12:33:35 EDT 1998 | Michael

Does anyone know how many 8mm feeder positions the Panasonic MV2F SimmBlaster can hold. I read an article saying 30/30 split carriage, and another article saying 75/75. This info. was taken from "U.S. Tech", and the January edition of Circuits Assemb

Panasonic cm402 service

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 19 09:39:41 EDT 2006 | wrongway

Hello all cm212 machine the max pcb size is 15.75 x 10 inches we have larger boards then that that was why we were looking at the cm402 model. as far as the feeders go we would be buying new feeders 8mm-56mm. I was also glad to here from someone th

Re: SMT Jumpers (links)

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 20:22:36 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Peter: This isn't what you asked for (I think), but it may be neater. Source of SMT links (jumpers): Most resistor suppliers make zero ohm resistors. Size � 8mm - 10mm (.312in -.4in) long: Most resistor suppliers package these resistors in comm

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 20:21:40 EST 2010 | steinerson

Hi Jeff I would recommend you to try unexpensive user friendly Juki Late Model KE760 series. you need a flexible machine that can handle components,fine pitch QFP. This machine is very unique. you can use even without an offline software optimizer,

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