Electronics Forum: panasonic cm88 feeder for sales (Page 1 of 1)

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 12:38:17 EDT 2002 | stepheno

If you have a newer style MPA like the MPA-G3, check out http://www.hoverdavis.com/Products/mpp/mpp.htm I find them much better than the panasonic feeders. You may have to set pitch to 2 or 3 because of timeing issues, or you can change the NC progr

Re: Looking for Panasert MV IIC (LL)

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 18 13:06:06 EDT 1998 | Jeff Wilson

| | We are looking for a Panasonic Panasert MV II-C (LL)-size or another MV II which is feeder compatible. (LL or XL size). | | Also we are looking for a Panasert screen printer to match. | | Other machines we are looking for and offering are at our


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