Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 17:19:49 EDT 2006 | flipit
Yes 0402 8X4 embossed feeders exist for Panasonic MSR, Universal GSM, Contact Systems, and Mimot for sure. In the old days of 0402 components, 0402 resistors used to come in 8X4 paper tape but now I think most 0402 resistors and capacitors come in 8
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 14:34:24 EDT 1998 | D Wanzek
I am looking for advice on feeders for the MPAV Panasonic machine. We are about to encounter our first experience with Panasonic. We are unsure of which style feeders to buy for tube parts. Parts mix includes all sizes of D-paks, SOICs, PLCCs and so
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 17:53:01 EDT 2002 | steveb
We have both Panasonic MPA3 56mm feeders and Hover-Davis 56mm feeders. You can go wider than this if you need, we also have a 72mm Hover-Davis feeder. You are correct in stating you will need to base plate for the Hover Davis feeders to work. We h
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 12:38:17 EDT 2002 | stepheno
If you have a newer style MPA like the MPA-G3, check out http://www.hoverdavis.com/Products/mpp/mpp.htm I find them much better than the panasonic feeders. You may have to set pitch to 2 or 3 because of timeing issues, or you can change the NC progr
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 10:46:35 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture
Hello all! Quick questions: Is there such a thing as a 56mm feeder for a Panasonic MPA machine? is there any feeders wider than 44mm for these machines?
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 14:19:44 EDT 2002 | JS
FYI - Panasonic is an auhtorized to sell Hover Davis feeders. The price is the same as Hover Davis
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 02:12:04 EST 1998 | Larry
HI, does anyone know where I can purchase used feeders for Panasert machines( MPA-G1, MPA-3F) or compatable? Thanks in advance.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 11:31:59 EDT 2002 | fastek
Claude- Indeed there are 56mm tape feeders made for the MPA series. If you need any, let me know. I have a few in stock.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 12:16:59 EDT 1998 | Erhard Hofmann
We have a MPA-80 T and a MPA-40 for sale, but no feeders with the machines. So we are interested in feeders available to complete these machines. Can you please send us informations which type feeders you have available and what the price could be? B
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 22:58:40 EST 1998 | George Henning
We have some extra feeders that are used on a MPA 10 and MPA 80. I don't know if they are compatible with the machines you mentioned. If you find that they are and have a list of requirements, I'll find out what we can provide you. Regards. | HI, do
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