Electronics Forum: panasonic msf pitch (Page 1 of 6)


Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 14:33:29 EDT 2006 | chan

we are using panasert msf machine we encounter there is fine pitch alignment problem this is not happen every board.

Help needed for choosing chipshooter

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 10:26:35 EDT 2004 | sumxp

Beside being reliable,flexible,the after sales maintenance support and spare parts availability in shortest leadtime is equally important. I choose Panasert/Panasonic because of above advantages.You can try MSF which can mount all packages(0201 to bg

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 00:45:19 EDT 2006 | Richard Robins-Bird

Not all splicing tapes require the use of specialist tooling or splicing plates to make a join. Please see wwww.fujismt.com where a complete range of SMT splicing tapes (Joint Tapes) can be found for use with chip mounters such as Assembleon, Europla

New SMT line - P&P equipment selection help

Electronics Forum | Tue May 31 11:28:21 EDT 2005 | ve7khz

Thanks fellows, appreciate the input. For those of you who have experience with various machines, what are some of the pros/cons of these? What seems to be readily available are Assembleon Topaz/Emerald and Panasonic MSF, MVA etc. I don't know thing

New SMT line - Need equipment selection help

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 14:15:21 EDT 2005 | ve7khz

Hi Folks, Starting a second SMT line this year and it's been (too) long since I have looked at newish machines and I am in need of some assistance with P&P machine selection. Here is what we currently have: Panasonic CM-202 chip shooter 216 8mm reel

Fuji Feeder Pitch

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 29 18:38:48 EDT 2005 | fastek

Not sure about Fuji but it can be done on Panasonic feeders.

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 14:58:59 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture

Just to add my 2 cents on the adjustment of pitch on MPA feeders: True: Panasonic do not make it easy to change the pitch on MPA feeders, the thickness of a metal part is what sets the pitch. My solution: for example, I get a 24mm X 12mm pitch MPA

Automate Through hole assembly

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 09:51:24 EDT 2004 | Robert Ressler

Michael - Hello, you may also want to consider Panasonic JV - jumper (variable insertion pitch) - excellet machine AX - axial (fixed 5mm insertion pitch) - excellent machine AV - axial (variable insertion pitch) - fair machine RH - radial (various

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 12:38:17 EDT 2002 | stepheno

If you have a newer style MPA like the MPA-G3, check out http://www.hoverdavis.com/Products/mpp/mpp.htm I find them much better than the panasonic feeders. You may have to set pitch to 2 or 3 because of timeing issues, or you can change the NC progr


Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 21:41:51 EDT 2006 | fordf1502004

I am looking for some help and/or guidance. Our company is currently using a panasonic MPAG3 fine pitch machine, we just recently bought a universal conveyor for the downline operation, when I plug the smema cable from the panasonic into the universa

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