Electronics Forum: panasonic panasert mv2f change language (Page 1 of 1)

Re: chip shooter

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 01:19:10 EDT 1999 | Wiratsr

Hi Jeff, I didn't have experience with Pansert MV2-E, but I have MV2-F. The machine running in high speed, but very noisy. I have other machine Sanyo TCM-3000 Same speed with MV2-F. Sanyo is original design turret system, a stable mounting machine,

Secret screens on Panasonic printers

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 08:02:57 EDT 2003 | Claude_Couture

Hi all! I'm stuck with this Panasonic paste printer (used). The menus come up in japanese. I know the secret menu screen is the one I have to get into to change the language to english. Does anybody know how to get to the secret screen on Panasert SP


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