Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 15:44:51 EDT 2019 | valentink
I will try outline Theta and Z-axis servo issues, we were facing last time. Story behind. Our 750 is used seldom and last time after switching it on initialization procedure ends with T axis of right head: Servo alarm. Opening front cover of 750 two
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 31 07:43:32 EDT 2013 | lkavan
Thank you very much, you are an angel, DOS software works with these drivers! But some servos still shaking and I cannot tune it by decreasing the gain or autotuning :-( Problem is with driver, when I change it servo works well. All drivers have the
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 09:34:21 EDT 2013 | lkavan
Dear friends, I need to retune servodrivers Panasonic MSD5A3P1EA in my Tenryu MT5530. Some Z axis servo loops are unstable. But I cannot find old Panaterm software for DOS which should be able to communicate with these old drivers. Can you help me? P
Electronics Forum | Thu May 16 08:58:23 EDT 2019 | tsvetan
You are lucky, out of 4 machines we have 2 failed withing first year. One has Panasonic X-axe servo driver burned. The other machine has the ASIC board burned. Nothing that can't be repaired, but still annoying as we had to wait 1 month for replaceme
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 22 05:40:36 EDT 2013 | lkavan
Hi friends, I am sorry that I boring you again, but I hope somebody can help me... I have a problem with servodrivers Panasonic MSD5A3P1EA in my Tenryu MT5530. Some servo loops are unstable, motor is shaking. It is problem with driver, when I change
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 00:33:18 EDT 2016 | wesleyintelli
Our CP45 swing mirror motor (Panasonic AC Servo Motor: MSMA012A3A) recently jammed and required replacement. I replaced the motor with a new one however it won't home. A link to a video of the motor attempting to home can be seen below. I am wonderin
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:05:25 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
Flason SMT chip mounter Reflow Ovens: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-assembly-line-equipment-SMT-spare-parts-Dek-Motor-188962.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/PCB-Conveyor-for-LED-Production-Line-SMT-Assembly-Line.html http://www.flason-
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