Electronics Forum: panasonic sp28 dh (Page 1 of 1)

No such thing as a Compact Reflow Oven?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 01 03:38:15 EDT 2018 | reckless

Juki 760 seller threw in a zevatech reflow oven and panasonic Screen Printer SP28p-DH if I pay shipping. It's getting harder to walk away from this deal. He claims the units are in great condition with minimal use. What's the difference between a 7

Required Booting Software for Panasonic Screen Printer SP-28P

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 09:10:08 EST 2009 | vkgoel9

We have purchased used Panasonic Screen Printer SP-28P. Now we require booting software for the same. Can anyone provide.

Panasonic SP28, SP60

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 09:42:41 EST 2007 | MPM fan

I just started working with these and want to get others opinion's. So far I'm not too impressed.

Any Feedback on Panasonic CM202

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 18 08:53:37 EDT 2012 | bwjm

Hi recently i happen to acquire a Panasonic CM202DH. Anyone has operate it before? Any comments or advises for me if i would need it to run HMLV with about 1 changeover per day. Is it able to mount 0201 inch components? thanks in advance


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