Electronics Forum: panel and master (Page 1 of 9)

Mixing 2 and 4 layer designs on a single panel

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 15:01:52 EDT 2010 | James Neal

Manufacturing-wise, is there a problem with doing a single panel with both four layer and two layers designs on it? I do prototype runs with multiple designs on the same panel, and I'd like to start including four layer. It seems to me that I can g

Mixing 2 and 4 layer designs on a single panel

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 11:17:43 EDT 2010 | ysutariya

The only issue is that now you are paying for a 4 layer board and only getting a 2 layer board. In the long run, it will definitely cost you if this is a higher running product. Other than that you shouldn't have any issues.

GSM machine stops randomly; "BM" bus master light out

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 15:10:57 EST 2020 | ilavu

Tom, There are two power supply in the machine. One on top of VME box and other behind power distribution panel. The voltage that you see and check at PDP is not from VME.

GSM machine stops randomly; "BM" bus master light out

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 00:06:15 EST 2020 | ttheis

I believe I found the power supply you refer to on the back side of the pdp mounting panel. I will have a look at it.

GSM machine stops randomly; "BM" bus master light out

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 12:24:37 EST 2020 | ilavu

1. Palm down the GSM and open the safety cover to check input voltage +12VDC (at KDC2 3PL pins 2 to 3) and output voltage +5VDC (at KDC2 2PL pin 4 to 3) at the DC/DC converter. The DC/DC converter is located inside the control panel assembly ("Nose c

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 13:50:03 EST 2007 | wavemasterlarry

I also consult in all matters wave related. i have a degree from Soltec college and am now a CWMT (Certified Wave Master Technocologis). WaveMAsterLarry@yahoo.com

EMS Terms and Conditions

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 15 10:36:25 EST 2001 | clarkk

Tried both, with no success. The big guys are pretty secretive about how they do things. The lawyer understands arbitration and things like that, but doesn't have a clue about customer furnished materials or volume pricing. I have found that IPC is w

X-Outs and Panel Arrays

Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 11:10:56 EDT 2008 | scottefiske

Anyone out there in SMT land know the premium you will pay by not accepting any X outs?

X-Outs and Panel Arrays

Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 11:29:56 EDT 2008 | dphilbrick

It varys like anything on the shop and the volume. We've seen as little as no charge to 10%

Tooling and Fixtues

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 06 16:42:18 EST 2021 | sg7914

Respected all; I am currently a student at RIT and working towards my master's in Manufacturing and Mechanical System Integration with a specialization in Electronics Manufacturing. I came across an interesting topic regarding the tooling and fixt

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