Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 08 14:47:45 EDT 2008 | slthomas
We used to have fids filled with epoxy too, but they were never cut all the way through. It was just to blacken the mark better. Are you sure they were actually cut through? I can't imagine something as brittle as epoxy holding as a filler with not
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 23 21:52:51 EDT 2017 | jlawson
In most cases PnP files are all that is needed for SMT program generation. BUT, it depends on origin reference of this data as exported to PnP and could be off in X,Y and rotation of image pending when PnP Data is exported. Also Rotation of parts
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 01:19:10 EDT 2005 | darby
Hi Mike, I use variations of both of these machines in a Tenryu FV-7100s and Samsung CP45/CP45Neos. Both have been very good machines - I would find it difficult to split them. I have personal dislikes of both tooling and support systems. I would ta
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 26 10:35:58 EST 2007 | slthomas
We've been using fids as badmarks on panelized boards, with reverse recognition so that an uncovered fiducial is a good mark. It's worked fine with 1.5mm fiducials but now we've run into problems with a board with 1mm fids and we can NOT get it to wo
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 02:21:40 EST 2012 | eadthem
Most PNP machines and AOI machines shuld have a X out feature. For us we use to use whiteout pens to mark the badsense spot. Now atm we use white lables, becuase there is no dry time. The lables have there own issues, They cause overpasteing issues
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