Electronics Forum: paper carrier tape (Page 1 of 28)

Plastic tape carrier blues.

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 05:10:57 EDT 2000 | Dougie

Hi, We use a mixture of plastic tape carriers and paper tape carriers for placing chip components. We are experiencing a problem which I know is a problem across the industry...when using the plastic carriers, the chip components stick to the tape c

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 13:31:48 EDT 2017 | tey422

There is one thing to be checked too. That is to make sure the nozzle not going too deep when lower to pick up the part. I found a lot of picking errors issues are due to nozzle going down too deep into the pocket. If it does, it pushes the component

Re: Plastic tape carrier blues.

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 07 04:25:00 EDT 2000 | dougie

Hi Guys, Thanks for the response. To answer your questions... The compoments we are placing and experiencing trouble with are generally 1206 components. It isn't just one manufacturer either. The one part though we have most problems with though is

Splicing tools for 8mm and 12mm paper & plastic tape

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 12:49:20 EDT 1998 | Frank S.

Where can I find a good tool to splice 8mm and 12mm paper and plastic part carrier tapes together?

Re: paper reels

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 09:32:40 EDT 2000 | Stefan Witte

If this is a problem you see with all your paper tape, you may want to talk with your machine vendor. Sometimes a sharper blade in the feeder,which peels off the cover tape, helps to keep the carrier tape together.

Re: Splicing tools for 8mm and 12mm paper & plastic tape

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 13:55:09 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Where can I find a good tool to splice 8mm and 12mm paper and plastic part carrier tapes together? Frank: Check the archives for Tesa and Siemens. Dave F

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 16:18:59 EDT 2017 | dleeper

A quick and dirty test; Take a few inches of carrier tape, peel off the cover, gently turn it upside down and see if any of the parts stay in the tape. If they do, then you know there's an issue with the tape.

Re: Plastic tape carrier blues.

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 09:17:57 EDT 2000 | JAX

Dougie, More info needed. (What type of feeders, Have they been modified for the different packadge types, Are the parts sticking to the cover tape or inside the plastic carrier tape........)

Part orientation in carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 08:07:48 EDT 1999 | Doug

Does anyone know of a web site (or other source) that illustrates the orientation of polarized SMT packages with respect to the carrier tape sprocket holes? THANKS, Doug

LED sticking into carrier tape

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 10:13:24 EDT 2017 | proceng1

Are the parts kept in a humidity controlled environment ? Perhaps a little humidity is making the silicon "sticky".

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