Electronics Forum: part reject (Page 1 of 24)

Re: un-tested assembled circuit reject rates

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 14:21:41 EST 1999 | Brian W.

In my experience, the most commonly accepted theory is that 100% inspection is only 80% effective AT BEST. That means that if your inspoectors are happy, noy outside concerns, well-rested, etc, they will catch 80% of the defects. This number goes d

Re: un-tested assembled circuit reject rates

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 02:07:25 EST 1999 | Scott Cook

Tim, What Brian writes is all true. However, let em put it into a sales / marketing perspective..... The REAL issue in your situation is: Who is responsible for the failures which WILL result in shipping untested product? Typically, your customer

Flux residue cause high false reject at ICT

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 11:56:10 EST 2006 | CK the Flip

For the better part of my career, I've battled with ICT guys on so-called "flux residues" on their test probes, and this was when using NO-CLEAN, 2% to 5% solids tops, flux. People don't understand that ICT probe maintenance is an inherent part of

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 12:54:04 EST 2011 | mosborne1

Tim, Bob is the C series master so try this.

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 08:35:20 EST 2011 | bobpan

try this..... I think there is a coupling for the theta motor....make sure both set screws are tight.....maybe the theta is slipping. Make sure there are no bright lights shining into the machine....maybe even throw a dark cover over the top and try

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 17:30:29 EST 2011 | olddog

Hi again Bobpan, One thing I noticed when I pulled the z-rod to inspect it was that it was "bearly" finger tight. When I replaced it, I snugged it a bit better (not overtightening). After resuming setting up additioanl placements (this board requires

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 05:12:36 EST 2011 | bobpan

A couple of things i would try: 1. Does function 30 give you a nozzle height that is repeatable. The number should be around 200.....+/- 20 or so. 2. I would change the z-rod because the spring could be worn out and when the vacuum turns on....it ca

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 14:22:22 EST 2011 | mosborne1

Tim, The main controller card has a battery on it. Power down the machine and disconnect power. Stick a credit card between the battery and the clip. Hold for at least 60 seconds. Then power back up the machine. Make sure to have yourmod codes writ

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 15:57:41 EST 2011 | olddog

Hi Bobpan, Regarding "second", the results of the test are no difference - still rejects the part. I tried 2 mils, 3 mils, 5 mils, 7 & 9. I changed the tolerances fron about 15% to 20%+. By the way, I did put on the new nozzle and it is still the sa

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 14:33:02 EST 2011 | olddog

Thanks again Bobpan for all of your help. I hope some of my questions are dumb ones. Regarding "first", the QA error 0, you were right. In checking the setup, for some reason theta was 65227 instead of the 0 that I thought I had set. Regarding "sec

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