Electronics Forum: part rejection due to component imaging (Page 1 of 5)

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 14:33:02 EST 2011 | olddog

Thanks again Bobpan for all of your help. I hope some of my questions are dumb ones. Regarding "first", the QA error 0, you were right. In checking the setup, for some reason theta was 65227 instead of the 0 that I thought I had set. Regarding "sec

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 14:01:00 EST 2011 | olddog

Well, everything WAS going OK until I started setting up for a board job (40 boards with about 450 components each - many image repeats). We setup 37 feeders with their parts and started defining the pickups and placements. Part #1 is an SOD123 zener

Increasing size tolerance to reduce component rejection

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 27 11:43:32 EDT 2016 | tnisbet

Yes you can open the tolerance, and that’ll usually work for a bit. Is the LAE is linked to multiple parts? If so, then the easiest thing is to open the tolerance. If not, that’ll require another route to try. Is it happening to all of the components

Soldering Issue in Sensor component

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 27 12:47:21 EST 2019 | ameenullakhan

Dear Team, We are facing open solder issue in a sensor component. Rejection rate is 2 out of 50 components placed. The issue is very random. We have tried increasing the solder paste height from 5 mil to 7 mil. The issue persist still. Differen

Poor wetting to palladium

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 06:44:59 EST 2001 | Scott B

I have recently come across a device which has a palladium over nickel finish which when soldered shows evidence of poor wetting to the lead ( i.e. a wetting angle greater than 90�) about three quarters of the way up the side of lead. This is only vi

New to SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 13:00:25 EDT 2008 | mw_fl

For the most part there would not be a lot of change over. There are two primary boards at this time that would be run on the line that also use common components. At this point all but a couple of the pick and place machines we have looked at have t

Help me to choose AOI-machine!

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 13:35:31 EST 2024 | oxygensmd

I am also new in this case because I am also looking for machines for my lines. That is why I made many research about getting the right machines for our needs. We are also have the some productivity as yours, we have low volume with high component m

Quad 4c pretending to place components

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 10:44:28 EDT 2006 | Brad Courtemanche

Hi larry, don't know if you resolved your problem but if machine is picking part three times, rejecting all three but places number fourth your nozzle pickup is misaligned very slightly. During the first three pickups the nozzle is finally seating it

Combining two similar footprints - absolute no, or might work - tips to improve odds?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 14 17:38:18 EDT 2014 | bradlevy

I've got a small smt board I've already got working prototypes of, which uses a tactile switch. I've got another much less expensive tact switch of similar size that I had avoided due to a difference in actuators I originally had no way around. Now I

Tape not pulling back on components causes machine to stop

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 10:49:44 EDT 2013 | babe7362000

Have others seen a higher rate of machine downtime due to the cover tape on parts not pulling back properly. We have the same problem on the Jukis and Quads. About every 3 minutes the machine stops and the operator has to pull the tape back. And in

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