Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 12:54:04 EST 2011 | mosborne1
Tim, Bob is the C series master so try this.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 08:35:20 EST 2011 | bobpan
try this..... I think there is a coupling for the theta motor....make sure both set screws are tight.....maybe the theta is slipping. Make sure there are no bright lights shining into the machine....maybe even throw a dark cover over the top and try
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 17:30:29 EST 2011 | olddog
Hi again Bobpan, One thing I noticed when I pulled the z-rod to inspect it was that it was "bearly" finger tight. When I replaced it, I snugged it a bit better (not overtightening). After resuming setting up additioanl placements (this board requires
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 05:12:36 EST 2011 | bobpan
A couple of things i would try: 1. Does function 30 give you a nozzle height that is repeatable. The number should be around 200.....+/- 20 or so. 2. I would change the z-rod because the spring could be worn out and when the vacuum turns on....it ca
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 14:22:22 EST 2011 | mosborne1
Tim, The main controller card has a battery on it. Power down the machine and disconnect power. Stick a credit card between the battery and the clip. Hold for at least 60 seconds. Then power back up the machine. Make sure to have yourmod codes writ
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 15:57:41 EST 2011 | olddog
Hi Bobpan, Regarding "second", the results of the test are no difference - still rejects the part. I tried 2 mils, 3 mils, 5 mils, 7 & 9. I changed the tolerances fron about 15% to 20%+. By the way, I did put on the new nozzle and it is still the sa
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 14:33:02 EST 2011 | olddog
Thanks again Bobpan for all of your help. I hope some of my questions are dumb ones. Regarding "first", the QA error 0, you were right. In checking the setup, for some reason theta was 65227 instead of the 0 that I thought I had set. Regarding "sec
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 14:44:31 EST 2011 | olddog
Bobpan, thank you for your speedy response. As to the items you noted: 1. I did a test of Funct 30 for the first 5 nozzles, 2 times each as follows: noz1 Ht=215 & 219, center=1005 (all nozzles all tests), run out 2.2 & 2.7. Noz2 Ht=228 &228, runout=
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 05:11:09 EST 2011 | bobpan
wow.....lets try some more things....... first....i think quad align error 0 has something to do with the theta number not being at 0,6000,12000,18000. I am not for sure about that but check it out by doing a function 3 on your pickups. second.....
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 16:26:17 EST 2011 | olddog
Hi again Bob, I checked the theta motor coupling and the set screws are definately tight. I noticed that the theta motor drives an snti-backlash gear (nice design) so there is no play there. It appears that the gear drives a slotted shaft which is d