Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 20 09:12:55 EDT 2005 | davef
There's no easy answer. It depends on: * Thickness and size of the PCB in the array. * Means of separation. * Type of component. SMT components are more sensitive to the forces that need to be applied to separate the PCB. * Type SMT device. Ceram
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 25 17:17:44 EDT 2019 | spitkis2
Years ago it was common to see 2-3mm keep out areas around BGAs. Now with boards being so densely populated there are no clearance minimums. Regardless if the machine is using convection or IR heating, parts can be reworked without affecting adjace
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 13:45:57 EDT 2024 | proceng1
The ratio of incorrect parts received vs total parts is obviously enormously low, but it has happened. We have also had purchasing order an incorrect part. I always say that SMT can make a lot of crap quickly if a part is wrong, or backwards or what
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 14:07:25 EDT 2024 | proceng1
I am wondering if others are seeing the same issues, and how you are dealing with it. I have found more and more datasheets that no longer have the "Part Marking" indicated. I say no longer, because I have managed to find a few older revisions of th
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 19:08:22 EST 2015 | vb7007
We were using TL1240Y Tack switches for 2 layered PCB and posted those switches by hand. Now planning to re-spin PCA where we recommend that part to be added on SMT process. So looking for a better and opt switch with same specs. Please suggest me an
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 03:32:19 EDT 2014 | cmchoue
The solder in MB become to yellowish after thermal test (100 oC/12HR) I think the problem that is flux residue and I really want to know the principle that why it color change Thanks!!
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 13:37:38 EDT 2024 | carl_p
I'm wondering why check really? How many times have you had the incoming part incorrect? I've worked a very high volume companies & the incoming components were never reviewed - we had less than a handful of issues in 20 years? Even on those occas
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 05 02:30:00 EST 2015 | sarason
We were using TL1240Y Tack switches for 2 layered > PCB and posted those switches by hand. Now > planning to re-spin PCA where we recommend that > part to be added on SMT process. So looking for a > better and opt switch with same specs. Please
Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 12:40:58 EDT 2009 | ehess
Is anyone familiar with Easy OLP software for Samsung machines? I would like to back up the part info from the machines to the OLP s/w, so when we write new programs, the part info is correct, and matches the info in the machines. I have no documen
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 04:04:59 EST 2015 | philc
This looks like it might be a Fairchild part. Try emailing them with the marking, and see what they say.