Electronics Forum: parts 201nozzle 2004 (Page 1 of 60)

Ni/Sn plated parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 15 08:22:39 EDT 2004 | jsmith01

The parts are dated Mar 20 2004. My profile hits a peek of around 232-240c and is above 225 for around 30 seconds.

Skewing of parts

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 17:57:27 EDT 2004 | russ

how fast are your cooling fans and/or convection fans running?

Skewing of parts

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 07:58:37 EDT 2004 | mmjm_1099

100% Power on cooling fans. Cooling fan speed can be adjusted, but convection fans can�t.

reflow oven parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 13:43:58 EDT 2004 | cyber_wolf

Try this goofdaddy out. http://www.reflow-ovens.com/

Ni/Sn plated parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 15 11:08:02 EDT 2004 | russ

Well take away the easy answers! How are the parts falling off? Is the joint breaking the termination on the part or is it breaking at the solder to termination interface? Also, how long are these parts in liquidous state? and what type of paste a

soldering contaminated parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 20:40:05 EST 2004 | davef

Choices are: * Return the parts to your supplier for replacement. * Send the parts to a retinning service provider. * Contact your solder paste supplier for recommendations on flux alternatives.

reflow oven parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 16:47:15 EDT 2004 | dgjjr

I'm looking for Quad ZCR 941 parts outside of the Tyco pipeline. Anyone know of a good reseller with access to Quad oven parts? dj

soldering contaminated parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 12:13:18 EST 2004 | Pcopeland

I am having a problem soldering some thermistors, 0805 package. They appear to be comtaminated, is there a really agressive flux I could use to help solder these parts.

Ni/Sn plated parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 14 17:21:31 EDT 2004 | russ

How old are these parts? Sn/Ni plating is very succeptable to age and everything else. They are possibly tarnished. Also, what is your peak temp in reflow? It takes about 225 230 C to get good wetting to the underlying nickel. Russ

Ni/Sn plated parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 20:36:42 EDT 2004 | russ

Well I am clueless! I have a lead free build coming up and I am going to check to see if our parts do the same thing. I will let you know. Russ

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