Electronics Forum: parylene coating (Page 1 of 6)

Rework units with parylene coating

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 14:31:33 EDT 2005 | Peter

I am working on an application requiring removing BGAs from a board coated with parylene. These BGAs have low standoff with less than 0.015" after SMT soldering. Can some comment on a reliable and consistent process to perform such rework? given tha

Rework units with parylene coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 13:06:36 EDT 2005 | jimby

You will have to machine the part off down to the top of the balls. Wick solder off from individual sites one at a time. All that will be left is Parylene shell where balls once were. Take an orangestick and alcohol to break up and remove. Tricky par

Rework units with parylene coating

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 07:44:15 EDT 2005 | bandjwet

Peter: Based on our company's experience with removing a variety of different coatings, including parylene, the BGA's can be removed. We would use a chemical etch followed by a neutralizing process. We would then reflow the devices and pry them off

Rework units with parylene coating

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 16:35:40 EDT 2005 | davef

We've never tried to remove Paraylene from a BGA, but we stayed [in seperate rooms] at the Red Roof Inn. Parylene/Paraxylyene is a great coating and can be selectively removed by several methods. IPC-7711 (Rework of Electronic Assemblies) has a sect

Rework units with parylene coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 15:50:32 EDT 2005 | davef

Microshot blasting suppliers that recognize steps must be taken to control potentail dmage from ESD are: * Comco 2151 North Lincoln Street Burbank, CA 91504-3344; 800-796-6626 818-841-5500 F818-955-8365 info@COMCOinc.com http://www.comcoinc.com * CC

Conformal coating for 90% humidity

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 18:41:17 EDT 2005 | bhu

Try parylene. http://www.vp-scientific.com/parylene_properties.htm

confomal coating help /Contract coater (for an Outdoor LED PCB)

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 09 15:41:38 EST 2009 | diamondmt

I would be glad to help you out in recommending a couple of coating choices,(at a very competitive price) but I believe you will have the most success with Parylene coating as long term reliability looks to be very important as well as flexiblity. Th

Parylene coating - spots defect around via holes & other flat surface

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 05 04:32:49 EDT 2016 | piyakorn

Rinse IPA 5 Min --> Treathment/soak IPA50%+SILENT50% 5Min --> Baking 60C/30Min --> Parylene coating (around 8Hr in chamber) --> Found defect spot. We have simulated and ensure board drying before parylene that still have spots. Need help - Thank y

Is anyone conformal coating flex circuits?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 08 16:32:23 EDT 2015 | duso02

Commonly done with Parylene.

Parylene coating - spots defect around via holes & other flat surface

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 21:46:32 EDT 2016 | piyakorn

am worrying on a hight temp that will affect to others components mounted on board or not such ICs.. Thank you davef -

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