Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 14:46:25 EDT 2009 | grantp
Hi, If your using NXT to place these BGA's then you must be doing large runs. BGA's are the most easy part to place, and don't worry about them. Just stencil paste down for them as any other component. But we use 1:1 reduction on our stencil, so we
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 21:13:08 EDT 2009 | kircchoffs
thanks for the inputs. we are planning to run on fuji nxt i think cycle time will not be an issue. i still have another question if we can still use the same reflow profile for paste? or do we need to create another profile?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 07:31:55 EDT 2009 | scottp
Early on when we started looking at BGAs we tried dipping. We've done it in production for a couple decades with flipchips. Dip fluxing BGAs worked fine in the lab but we ended up starting production with screen printed flux for cycle time reasons.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 22:19:17 EDT 2009 | mikehe
We have been doing BGA's for years now, and I would suggest updating your profile and place a thermal couple on the BGA, keep in mind the bigger the part the more heat it will need, We stencil print all of BGA's from simple bga's to complex ones, you
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 02:45:51 EDT 2005 | Base
Probably very far-fetched, but I can think of a scenario like this: - machine picks up a component - between vision and placement the part is lost, but the loss is not detected due to oversize tool, which causes the amount of vacuum drop to go unnot
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 11:23:45 EST 2005 | russ
Well first off I wouldn't evaluate paste for a wave process. I would use solder bar instead. Flux - top side fillets and no shorting on the solder side, does it clean well after processing if using water soluble flux. How wide is the process win
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 18 09:30:43 EDT 2008 | hussman
Sounds like a part problem. You can SOMETIMES over come this with a hotter profile. We see this a lot with brokered parts. Seems like a lot of people are rejecting parts because a lot of companies haven't perfected their RoHS process, yet produce
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 13:51:27 EDT 2003 | stefwitt
We usually matched the value with the thickness of the paste or stencil. If the lead doesn�t dip into the paste it will not be soldered.
Electronics Forum | Sat May 11 15:43:55 EDT 2013 | anvil1021
Hello Again...SMTNET....are there rules to determine which small BGA devices are Dip Fluxed or Solder pasted? What drives the decision? Obviously the device's pitch has a large bearing on this decision. Any and all comments or experiences would be ve
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 21 10:50:13 EDT 2014 | cyber_wolf
The top PoP part is what gets dip fluxed or dip pasted. We have had warping issues with these components before but it is almost always the top part. My guess would be bad components if your reflow profile and print process is good to go.