Electronics Forum: paste old (Page 1 of 42)

Disposing of old solder paste in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 10 18:54:12 EDT 2000 | Craig

Does anybody do this? Are there any problems with doing this? Thanks Craig

Re: Disposing of old solder paste in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 12 07:59:03 EDT 2000 | Kevin Hussey

I suggest not to. You are also adding the flux of the paste that may cause you trouble in the long run. I suggest setting up a reclaim process with you paste vendor, or someone they reccomend.

Re: Disposing of old solder paste in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 16:11:50 EDT 2000 | John Thorup

Hello Craig In a nutshell - bad idea Please check the achives as this has come up a number of times John Thorup

Best practice to validate the old - more than 5 year old parts

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 13 10:31:51 EST 2019 | ameenullakhan

Dear Alex, thanks for the machine link. And valuable feedback. We cant change the solder paste. Its a for defense and aerospace projects. Customer won't agree on it . We have major issue in ROL0 Flux classified solder paste. cannot go for aggress

Best practice to validate the old - more than 5 year old parts

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 13 10:33:27 EST 2019 | ameenullakhan

Dear Dave, We cant change the solder paste. Its a for defense and aerospace projects. Customer won't agree on it . We have major issue in ROL0 Flux classified solder paste. cannot go for aggressive flux chemistry. So need a good method to hold th

Best practice to validate the old - more than 5 year old parts

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 12 10:00:44 EST 2019 | alexeyzb

Hello! 1) You can try to use solderbility tester (https://www.gen3systems.com/solderability-testing-must). 2) You can try to find more agressive solder paste. Some time ago we had the same problem. We gave some samples to our friends from another co

Best practice to validate the old - more than 5 year old parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 13:03:00 EST 2019 | SMTA-Norah

Passives are at least fairly simple, generally either they solder or they don't, testing with paste stenciled on to glass slides is one variation and a hot solder dip is another. The glass slide is nice because it's closer to the end use scenario.

Cleaning old built up flux residues from reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 14 15:37:00 EDT 2014 | jdenuzzia

If you do a search on Reflow Oven Cleaning Fluid, you will find links to companies and chemicals that can assist you. I recommend that you contact one or more of the companies and discuss your needs and the paste you are using. They should be able t

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 09:47:32 EST 2009 | dyoungquist

I am curious as to why you need to mix.... We use a 500g cartridge with air gun. Our process is remove the cartridge from the fridge, allow it to warm up to room temperature before inserting into air gun, then apply bead of paste to the stencil. N

solder paste stencil life

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 08:34:58 EST 2012 | emeto

I would scrap it. As you said part of it is going to be old paste. All manufacturers don't recommend mixing old with new paste because you change the rheology of the paste.

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