Electronics Forum: paste pull-back (Page 1 of 2)

132 QFN footprint

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 03 10:50:47 EDT 2007 | kissanepat1

A suggestion for your stencil which works is as follows. Cut your stencil aperatures beyond your pads to a length of 0.1mm , this then allows the paste to pull back into the pad creating a blob of solder which can be inspected by AOI.Best length and

ENIG poor wetting

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 10:04:51 EDT 2002 | dason_c

Dave, I am very interesting to know about the dewetting or pull back, we are currently use the uP78 paste. Will nitrogen, profile setting help to reduce the dewetting. Thank.

Excessive solder balls!

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 09:30:35 EDT 2011 | kahrpr

Check that your pick and place machine is not pushing the part too far in the paste and squeezing the paste off the pad. Your profile could need modifying. In the case of the profile the solder paste can slump off the pads before turning into a liqui

Re: Reflowing a thru-hole part

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 22:49:38 EDT 1999 | Jason Tomlinson

| | I have a board that has surface mount on both sides . On this board is a 22pin connector which is the only thru-hole part.This part is located on the component side. I would like to reflow this part. Can this be done? If so, how can this be done?

SMT part placement delay

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 09:27:41 EDT 2017 | dleeper

As Evtimov mentioned, it will be dependent on package. It will also be dependent on the specifics of your machines so there is no universal "good" value. You will need to experiment to find the best values for your equipment and components. I would

Re: Reflowing a thru-hole part

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 22:48:27 EDT 1999 | armin

| | I have a board that has surface mount on both sides . On this board is a 22pin connector which is the only thru-hole part.This part is located on the component side. I would like to reflow this part. Can this be done? If so, how can this be done?

laser soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 26 15:15:05 EST 2007 | realchunks

I agree with James. Granted there are a variety of lasers to try, we too could not get a consistent power setting. Plus when paste turns liquid, you get some reflection. Also the mask around the pad has to be pulled back or burning may occur.

Paste drying on stencil

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 03:59:41 EST 2020 | SMTA-Davandran

My input are: i. To solve tape not pulling back if it is due to high per is better to use more feeders to minimize this issue. ii. To slow down printing speed. Hence, has proper line balancing which minimize board idling before pick and place process

Re: Reflowing a thru-hole part

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 21:36:14 EDT 1999 | kyung sam park

| I have a board that has surface mount on both sides . On this board is a 22pin connector which is the only thru-hole part.This part is located on the component side. I would like to reflow this part. Can this be done? If so, how can this be done?

Re: Reflowing a thru-hole part

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 10:09:15 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | | I have a board that has surface mount on both sides . On this board is a 22pin connector which is the only thru-hole part.This part is located on the component side. I would like to reflow this part. Can this be done? If so, how can this be don

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