Electronics Forum: paste release (Page 1 of 41)

paste release

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 09:40:45 EST 2010 | denisp

Hi! i would like to have opinion about the solder paste release. is it better on a 5mil or 6 mil thickness stencil? thank you!

paste release

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 07 10:51:09 EST 2010 | davef

The ratio of aperture opening area to aperture wall area is a critical evaluation measure for the release of the printed solder paste. The stencil thickness has the biggest impact on area ratio.

Sudden paste release problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 07:44:52 EST 2005 | Mark M.

Check your humidity levels there as well. If the airs to dry it would dry out your paste as well. We had to go out and buy some floor humidifiers for our place.

Sudden paste release problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 09:14:09 EST 2005 | davef

Don't kid yourself, something has changed. * Worn stencils should produce better release and greater paste deposits than less worn stencils. * Consider inspecting the effectiveness of your cleaning process with a X10 magnifier. * Temperature in your

Sudden paste release problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 09:30:32 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

I am curious as to why you are using Koki ? Why are you not using a main stream paste that is proven in the industry? Indium,Kester,Multicore,AIM.... It has been my experience that when you start having paste-releasing problems out of the blue, it

Sudden paste release problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 21:41:49 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, We have been running the same stencils for about a year, 5 thou thick, 1-mm pitch BGA's and every-things been ok, but then suddenly over the last week, 2 different products have had paste release issues with the BGA. It's odd because nothings c

Sudden paste release problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 00:22:05 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, That's what I am thinking, and we might have a dirty stencils and cannot see the problem. We are going to get a magnifier, and check it out. I did not think the stencil could bur, but I didn't want to shoot the guys down when they had an idea on

Fine pitch paste release problems.

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 13:33:09 EST 2002 | pjc

square apertures provide better paste release than round in most applications. See IPC 7525 Stencil Design Guidelines

Fine pitch paste release problems.

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 19 13:17:20 EST 2002 | gramsey

Huh?! The area of a square that fits in a circle is clearly less than the circle. Paste release is better in a circle than a square because the circle has maximum area per perimiter lenght.

Fine pitch paste release problems.

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 13:24:25 EST 2002 | Stephen

What paste are you using?

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