Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 23 14:24:04 EDT 2007 | ratsalad
Who is your stencil vendor? I've used three different vendors for Pb-free green frame stencils and NONE of them charged extra.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 21:05:58 EDT 2006 | Wizard of Oz Tin Man
"Solder alloy compositions are numerous but the most important are still the tin lead solders which were used by the Romans. Tin melts at around 232�C and lead at about 327�C in the combination 62Sn 38Pb the resulting alloy melts at 183�C. This compo
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 15:58:16 EDT 2006 | RusH
Mario, Thanks for your response. We are building a leaded assembly with hot air leveled Sn/Pb pads on the PCB. In one case the component is a 7.5X5.2X1.8 wire wound ferrite inductor with Au/Sn leads. The second component is an 0808 Tantalum cap,
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 20:40:25 EDT 2021 | winston_one
Yes, we can't use pure Pb PROCESS. And as I say we will not use it anyway, as we have lead-free BGA's, LGAs, component with Solder Charged Terminations... It's became almost normal practice to solder it with leaded solder pastes. In this case peak re
Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 11:50:19 EDT 2004 | davef
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 12 10:47:03 EST 2004 | davef
Fengang: You say, "And I have investigated a lot of component manufacturers, it seems like that most of them just change the plating of components' lead for lead free. That means lead free process has little impact on the component manufacturers, is
Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 10:15:46 EDT 2008 | llaerum
We are also having some issues with certain small parts. In our case this is tantalum caps and 0402 caps. We had a vendor admit after much discussion that the plating used from a particular orgin was different on the tantalums. The tehory is thatthsi
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 30 18:24:09 EST 2009 | gsala
Buenas dias Jos�, It shoul not be a problem. We had situation like that when in the early 2006 the Lead Free fase in Pb fase out, no pbm on solder joints. Today, after about 3 years, those cards are stil working in the field without any defect. Reg
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 09:52:34 EDT 2021 | winston_one
Want to update this question a little, I know it appears few years ago, but I hope there is some updates... We have to assembly few samples of motherboards with this kind of finish (customer mistake during pcb order). Normally we can use leaded sold
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 09 19:34:06 EST 2005 | Bob R.
You're right that us in the automotive market are exempt, but that just delays the inevitable by two or three years. Our customers, especially Japanese, are pushing us to provide Pb free products in the '08/'09 timeframe so that the end customers ge