Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 18 22:14:24 EST 2022 | sarason
Yes something like that.ie a higher edge. Looking at your original picture I assumed no edge. If that doesn't work, then it is time to change the belt. But do check the frame with a straight edge. you may find a little twist or bend that may not be v
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 16:25:20 EST 2022 | mihai_voivod
I'm not understanding what roller with closed sides you are referring to. My edge roller bearing (brass color) has a lip on the side. The middle roller bearings (silver) have a slightly bigger lip. These are the roller bearing shown on the manufact
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 07:50:29 EST 2007 | gcamac
I have been able to have endless loop edge conveyor belts made for me at Sparks Belting Company. http://www.sparksbelting.com/
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 14:44:35 EST 2007 | actech
I have ordered 3/16th and 1/4 from McMaster Carr in the past. you buy it bulk cut it at an angle and melt it together. I think its Mcmastercarr.com and look into belts or conveyor belting you should be able to find it online there.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 03:56:18 EST 2022 | cbeneat
Is the wheel that drives the belt in alignment? I assume all the bearings are turning. We've had bearings in the past be on the edge of seizing in our end pulley's. Tightening too much could cause it to turn harder, causing the belt to jump off. Coul
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 21:01:40 EST 2021 | brianjones
We are looking at setting up a memory module conveyor belt with a stacker and de-stacker. I will need to handle DDR3 and DDR4 Long DIMM and SODIMM. I will be mounting an image camera under and over the modules. Looks like an edge conveyor would be be
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 10:30:42 EST 2007 | slthomas
I would never have guessed that McM-Carr would carry that stuff (antistatic belts) but you learn something new every day....thanks! Question, though. Their online catalog says to order by the inch of circumference (OC, or outer circle), implying tha
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 13:38:06 EST 2007 | ehess
Does anyone kbnow where I can find replacement belts for the old PCT (Process control Technologies) conveyors?
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 11:27:57 EST 2007 | floydf
I have had luck with New England Belting: http://www.newenglandbelting.com/ Good Luck
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 09:55:18 EST 2007 | cyber_wolf
How do you melt it together ?