Electronics Forum: pcb discoloration after reflow (Page 1 of 57)

Solder mask discoloration

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 17 13:57:27 EDT 2005 | ppwlee

We have encountered what appears to be mask discoloration after wave soldering. The areas of concern coincide with the areas that were exposed selectively by fixtures during wave soldering, dominated by one date code of PCB with a slightly different

PCB Pad become brownish after IR reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 07:32:53 EDT 2009 | karthikthebest

I agree with Graham cooper's input. Also note that the brownish color is incremental w.r.t to number of days you hold after the thermal cycle(example: after the reflow)so try to complete all thermal cycles ASAP to lessen the discoloring.

PCBA delam after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 27 00:26:14 EDT 2004 | charly

hi, encounter few cases PCB was delam after reflow, and the supplier was refuse that this is a PCB manufacturing defect as the fallout is low within one lot. the cost for this scrap is high after PCBA level, my query here are 1) is there any way

warpage after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 03:55:03 EDT 2014 | puja

How to avoid /reduce warpage in long length PCB &

warpage after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 22:15:12 EDT 2014 | padawanlinuxero

How to avoid /reduce warpage in long length PCB & > _1.6MM THICK PCB. You need to put it in a fixture or pallet to run it in the reflow oven, most common material use here is durostone for the pallets that we run in the reflow oven, we use Durosto

Component drop after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 14:33:52 EDT 2019 | slthomas

Do you have any images that show the soldered terminations? Also images of the pcb terminations after the part has moved might be helpful.

Component drop after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 23:35:55 EDT 2019 | anhsang38

There are some pictures of solder and pcb terminal after part has moved. https://ibb.co/5hKBxXX https://ibb.co/Kw27cns https://ibb.co/HtKBMdW Rg Sang

board delaminated after reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 16 11:58:20 EDT 2009 | ccross

We have seen this exact same problem. Our vendor agreed it was their problem and also agreed it was a moisture issue within the PCB layers, not the solder mask. We have taken to baking our boards, especially when they are manufactured during the late

warpage after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 08:44:49 EDT 2014 | emeto

Hi, 1. I will run the board on the mesh if single sided. 2. For double sided board, I will try stiffeners. 3. If stiffeners don't work, then you have to create a handling fixture(holds the board and has enough openings to let the air flow to the PC

AOI inspection after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 10:09:03 EDT 2013 | markhoch

It sounds as if you have your AOI set up off-line, and you're "AOIing" a sampling of the PCBs produced. If that’s the case, then the responsibility of who drives the inspection really depends on how you configure it. If it's based on the number of P

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