Electronics Forum: pcb flat (Page 1 of 23)

pcb plating

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 14:30:36 EDT 2002 | davef

Assuming you are talking about solderable surfaces: People specify various materials to protect the solderability of the pads on the board. Gold, actually, Electroless Nickel - Immersion Gold [ENIG], is popular. * Board fabricators like it because

defects in pcb manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 18:09:17 EST 2009 | gregoryyork

I think most have summed up the first pictures also is the drillng looking like it is misregistered as well. Better to do a solvent test to determine resist cure not the old stuff the newer chemicals show under cure problem much better. Try your st

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 28 08:37:52 EDT 2007 | davef

There is no good choice. Board Finishes: Industrial/Battelle Class 3 Environment [Reliability Knowledge Gaps: For use of Pb-free solders in High Reliability Applications, J Smetana, iNEMI Availability of SnPb-Compatible BGAs Workshop, March 1, 2007,

Flex pcb carrier / palett

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 02 16:18:22 EST 2012 | sarason

A few years back when I was working in a Hybrid company we used carriers machined from aircraft grade aluminum. Its easy to machine on a Mill doesn't bend so easy when mishandled.The thing to know is do your flex circuits sit flat when placed on the

pcb board deflection when mounting component

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 28 07:07:39 EST 2002 | cyber_wolf

It has been my experience that when all conditions are as they are supposed to be there should be zero or very little deflection. When you start placing components with pick and place equipment that does not have a Z pressure sense, you run the possi

pcb board deflection when mounting component

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 01:23:22 EST 2002 | jasper

It has been my experience that when all > conditions are as they are supposed to be there > should be zero or very little deflection. When > you start placing components with pick and place > equipment that does not have a Z pressure sense, > yo

pcb board deflection when mounting component

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 28 18:59:25 EST 2002 | tkenny007

Specs for Bow and Twist for PCBs (IPC-A-610C, 10.6. There may be an update by now). I also have a note in our quality guide referencing (IPC-TM-650, 2.4.22) and (MIL-STD-105D). In summary, a PCB should not bow more than 0.040" with all four corner

672 PBGA on PC Card .015 thick pcb

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 17:44:30 EDT 2001 | aaelect

OK, OK. 672 ball BGA. The pcbs are PC Card bus size and are .015 thick. There are 3 on a panel with about 1/2" between and rails. The aluminum plates are about 3" by 7". There are 3 cutouts which allow for the parts from either side to protrude du

672 PBGA on PC Card .015 thick pcb

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 08 23:17:48 EDT 2001 | Brad Arnold

We are trying to produce a PC Card bus assembly with a 672 pin BGA on one side. These pcb's are .015 thick. I believe the ball pitch is .5mm. The pcb's are plated with white tin. The pcb's are in a 1 X 3 array. We had 2 plates with appropriate cutout

672 PBGA on PC Card .015 thick pcb

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 22:25:50 EDT 2001 | davef

Bruce I�m with yall. Designers and fabricators say �pins�. You say: * BGA pins are 1mm [0.039�] pitch. * BGA pads are 0.4mm [0.0157�] diameter. * BGA pins are 0.6 mm [0.024�] side-to-side. * Board thickness is ~0.4 mm [0.015�] First, as you can

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