Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 09:14:28 EDT 2004 | davef
Consider your flux suppliers recommendations when determining the proper cleaning method for your boards.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 16:31:02 EDT 2004 | Sue PH
We use Kester 186 flux and the STU people would sometimes find white residue after cleaning with Isopropyl at the solder station. We have Lenium (Petroferm)in our vapor degreasers, and now they use Lenium at their stations as well as final clean, an
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 17:49:52 EDT 2004 | jsk
problem: Too many solvents and boards are not clean Flux remains on the board after vapor degreaser and "Powdery" white residue after vapor degreasing Flux type is kester 186 Process: hand solder High Temp alloy, spot clean after hand solder e
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt
You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 08:10:39 EDT 2005 | davef
Comments are: * Sounds like it's necessary to clean "heareous F381, F352 no clean solder paste" in your application. Consider a paste that may be better suited to your application. * If you're cleaning "low residue flux", consider using an organic ac
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 14:41:41 EDT 2004 | Steve Stach
Dear JSK, It sounds like the root causes of your problem are two fold. First, excessive heat will polymerize the abietic acid found in rosin forming neo-abietic diamers and polymers which are much less soluble than the parent monomer. There are
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 14:04:38 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad
Flashback time� Vapor degreasers, although still used in limited applications, no longer represent the conventional wisdom (due to multiple environmental issues). Aqueous-based technologies are the most common method of defluxing. Unlike most va
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 05:01:19 EDT 2011 | azrina
Hi, I am doing my master degree in flux cleaning process for flip chip assemblies and required to establish a new receipt for flux cleaning. currently, i am doing screening process for the parameters involve ; temp,pressure, surfactants, speed and a
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 17:53:17 EDT 2009 | aqueous
This is not a common method of defluxing. Vapor degreasers were the top choice pre-1989 but have given way to spray-in-air defluxing technology. Here come of the vapor degreaser manufacturers: Detrex http://www.detrex.com/ Baron Blakeslee http://
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 12:14:59 EDT 2009 | zanolli
We are looking for suppliers of liquid vapor degreaser batch equipment for flux residue cleaning of PCB’s. Any recommendations? Thanks
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