Electronics Forum: pcb flux remover (Page 1 of 188)

Water Residue Stains - use toothpaste remover

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 19:41:27 EST 2001 | ianchan

I called a cuppa of indutrial friends, and they concluded that the flex-PCB in question, was being subject too high a oven-baking temperature of 100deg-C...50~60deg-C oven-baking temperature would be more appropriate for flex-PCB, due to its very pad

no-clean flux removal

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 08:00:09 EST 2005 | Lloyd

I recently saw a brief presentation on selective cleaning using Co2. In basic terms a fine jet of Co2 is blasted onto the desired area of the PCB removing the contamination and supposedly causing no damage to PCB or components. I think it's quite a n

flux on PCB's after cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 23 14:41:41 EDT 2004 | Steve Stach

Dear JSK, It sounds like the root causes of your problem are two fold. First, excessive heat will polymerize the abietic acid found in rosin forming neo-abietic diamers and polymers which are much less soluble than the parent monomer. There are

pcb manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 09:03:23 EDT 2006 | nodlac

Lets not forget Chemistries... Pastes, flux, solder, glue, underfil, Mask. Someone with manufacturing experience. Cant forget Soldering irons and rework oh oh...and an X-ray.

pcb manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 21:54:58 EDT 2006 | Wave Master Larry

Your right. Listen our engineers don't come out to the floor or even listen when we try to tell them our problems. When they do talk it's all X pplanes or y planes jibber. We got this new asian kid here that thinks flux can cure all our problems.

pcb solderig

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 15:06:11 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

My guess is that he is talking about the gold plated pads not fully wetting with solder. We have seen this on some of our ENIG boards with the gold still showing at the far corners of the rectangular pads. Not knowing if this is hand soldering or p

Reduce flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 12:21:57 EST 2007 | tonang

How to reduce flux contain on PCB after reflow process?

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 14:58:21 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

we have problem in setting the density of a no clean flux for using before wave soldering . first we dilute the flux but we have many short circuit problem between the pads of edge connector,then we densify the flux all the short circuit is removed b

ROSE testing for no-clean flux soldering assemblies

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 11:36:27 EDT 2019 | bulur

How does no-clean flux residues on a PCB assembly impact the ROSE testing? Does no-clean flux residues on the PCBA dissolve in solution of ROSE tester and increase ionic contaminants level in terms of NaCl per surface area? Is ROSE tester solution (a

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 23:59:48 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Grant, No-Clean paste + IPA = White Residue! #1: Stop using IPA #2: Switch to either a solvent-based de-fluxing chemical or an aqueous-based de-fluxing chemical. If you are using an ultrasonic cleaner for your boards as stated, do not use sapon

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