Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 10:02:28 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
Chris A lot of people have reported sudden, fab lot related problems with Ni/Au pads. These are usually characterized by a discoloration of the gold and called cheerful names like "black pad disease". This can be a process problem at your fab house
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 15:06:11 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist
My guess is that he is talking about the gold plated pads not fully wetting with solder. We have seen this on some of our ENIG boards with the gold still showing at the far corners of the rectangular pads. Not knowing if this is hand soldering or p
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 14:30:36 EDT 2002 | davef
Assuming you are talking about solderable surfaces: People specify various materials to protect the solderability of the pads on the board. Gold, actually, Electroless Nickel - Immersion Gold [ENIG], is popular. * Board fabricators like it because
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 28 16:03:53 EST 2005 | Chris
I have lots of experience with thermosonic gold ball bonding. You can read the literature and you will probably find some papers that say you can do it. I have never been able to do it. We gold ball bond all day long with little problems at all bu
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 21 05:05:52 EDT 2007 | vangogh
Hi All, I would like to get some inputs regarding this.... I have bare PCB which were stored with kapton tape attached on the Au plated pads. These were stored for close to a year. Upon removal of kapton tape, we noticed discolorations on the edges o
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 21:42:54 EDT 2007 | davef
Questions are: * Do these pads take solder? How well? * Have you stripped the gold and evaluated the condition of the nickel?
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 26 11:27:12 EDT 2007 | vangogh
Hi Davef, Thanks for the reply. There seem to be no issues on SMT reflow based on some samples done. We have not stripped the gold yet. We did a X-section+EDX and we are seeing traces of copper on the nickel layer. Any idea what is the implication of
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 09:36:49 EST 2000 | Richard
If the gold fingers are pad types which plug into expansion slot connectors, I have used a titanium guard attached to the wave conveyor over the solder pot, which allows the PCB to connect to the fingers but masks the solder from the gold pads along
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 29 13:36:57 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Davef is right about the amount, but why are using gold to solder too when other finishes are avaiable?
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 29 07:17:34 EDT 2006 | Ali Uzel
Hi all, I do know a little on PCB manufacturing. I would like to know whether using gold on PCB pads can cause soldering problems, both using automation and by hand. We are using a new device, 484-pin, 0.8mm, BGA and 0402 size capacitors. Or it can
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