Electronics Forum: pcb laminate materials em827 (Page 1 of 9)

PCB laminate dielectric absorption

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 13:42:57 EST 2000 | Mike Ihm

The dielectic absorption characteristic of printed circuit board materials is usually not listed on the manufacturers spec. sheets. Can anyone point me in a direction to help determine which laminate materials might exhibit better dielectric absorpt

Re: PCB laminate dielectric absorption

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 20:42:57 EST 2000 | Dave F

Material Dk @ 1GHz tan d @ 1GHz Difunctional 4.40 0.020 Multifunctional 4.43 0.018 Polyimide 4.06 0.006 Cyanate ester 3.65 0.005 Bismaleimide triazine 2.94 0.011 PPO-epoxy 3.85 0.012 PTFE-glass 2.60 0.001 PTFE-mat-CE 2.79 0.003 PTFE-ceramic 4.06 0.00

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 22:06:06 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

I encounter the problem, it is easy for pad(copper) to drop off from the PCB, which is Ni/Au finish. so my question is whether there is any specification about the force between pad and laminate material, and does the PCB corpoartion test this parame

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 04:49:34 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

according to the ressult of cross-section and removing the component, I find there is no black area in the left pad, and the IMC is also normal, so the black nickle is less impossible. the PCB material is not common FR4, just some thing like ceramic,

Re: Reflow soldering a Flexi-Rigid pcb

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 05 09:46:47 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| We are looking at reflow soldering some Flexi-rigid | pcbs. I have heard that IR reflow soldering can make the Polyimide "self heat" and cause de-lamination. | Does anyone have any info. The thermal problems associated with polyimide rigid/flex de

PCB Delamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 04 09:15:08 EDT 2012 | davef

bwjm: Delamination can be attributed to several factors: * Entrapped moisture, processing solutions, and what not that expands when heated to normal soldering temperature * Excessive soldering temperature * Excessive laminating temperature * Def

PCB Delamination

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 09:08:27 EST 2008 | glezfl36

Since the implementation of the ROHS process in our Company with the higher temp requirements, we had observed an increase in problems related to delamination in the PCB's. Actually we are using FR408 and Gracescore materials and are changing to a Ve

Re: Non-halogenated PCB

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 20:30:38 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Lennart: I think most laminators offer a halide free laminate. Two are Isola and Mica-Micanite. Contact the IPC Halogen-Free Materials Task Group

PCB Material

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 11:12:33 EST 2004 | Steve

Does anyone have an opinion about the pro's and con's of Getek vs Isola FR408 laminate? What laminate to most of you call out? Thanks in advance for your feedback. Steve

PCB's using Kevlar substrate

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 17:21:39 EDT 2002 | davef

In describing a bare board, you need to talk about base, laminate, and conductive materials. Common laminate materials are: * Glass fabric * Cotton fabric * Paper Common NEMA grades of technical laminates are: * Glass Fabric Grades: G3, G7, G10,

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