Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 31 15:20:38 EDT 2008 | mmjm_1099
The following attachment I hope is useful.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 03 07:47:47 EST 2008 | jdengler
mickd, I prefer a rail of 7.62mm (0.300"). This alows for the tooling pins and fiducials without any trouble and minimizes the waste. A fiducial of 1mm round with a 1mm clear area around it. Jerry
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 04 10:02:21 EST 2008 | m79d
jerry this is what i wanted to hear 'real' measurements. I did not want to make the tooling strip too wide as that would add to the cost of the bare board. thank mickd
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 01 04:12:53 EDT 2008 | ashley
Hello mickd, The Fiducial Marks are normally etched along the vertical side of the PCB, therefore it will not be block by the XY table clamping rails. p.s. try to have a Shiny & Round Fiducial Mark as recommended by Fuji....so that you need not inp
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 16:53:38 EDT 2008 | m79d
Hi all I am going to get a board laid out which will be done on a fuji cp43, could the experts please tell me what should be the width of the tooling strips? size/placement of the fiducials? I also want to use the pin to hold the board, where exactl
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 21:06:20 EDT 2008 | ashley
Hello mickd, For Fuji practice, the primary tooling hole preferably be 5mm from the edge of the PCB (lower right hand corner). This is the reference X0, Y0 co-ordinates in the Fuji program where placing co-ordinates going LEFT will be -ve value & go
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 31 18:08:34 EDT 2008 | m79d
thank you both for the input ok so i understand the hole is on a 5mmx5mm center the pin seems to be 3mm. About 3mm of the board goes under the clamp rail so the tooling strip must be wider than 5mm as the fiducial also needs to be on it. Mark_m yo
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 12:49:08 EDT 2003 | Giuliano
I am using the old Tango for DOS to create an board with a 1mm BGA chip. How to define clearance around the surface pads?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 09:36:55 EDT 2003 | davef
We don't know anything about using "old Tango for DOS". First, consider the fabricator of your part as the THE most appropriate place to look for layout recommendations. We've discussed the heirarchy of sources for layout information previously he
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 20 06:08:20 EST 2011 | aj
Hi all, Can anyone advise some software for carrying out PCB panelisation? Thanks
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