Electronics Forum: pcb manual screen printer[0] (Page 1 of 5)

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 14:42:47 EDT 2004 | Kirk

so the first PCB if i want to aligned with stencil is manual the same for screen printer without vision and vision starts work for next boards? or i am wrong? but if i make mistake during aligment process for the first PCB i will repeat it for next P

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 15:05:29 EDT 2004 | Kirk

we have sm-tech benchmark 90 and we think about Microflex with vision. how i teach the vision? I have two images. One is reference image and is it storage in system how can i create it (is it possible simply use paper as i said before then teach vis

What kind of SMT style is rather welcome?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 09:26:26 EDT 2023 | frankchan

placement> (curing)> reflow soldering> cleaning> inspection> rework SMT production process Surface mount process a. Single-sided assembly: (All surface-mount components are on one side of the PCB) Incoming inspection-solder paste stirring-screen prin

How do I adjust table height EKRA X5 Screen Printer?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 07:38:17 EDT 2020 | bangir

Hi Cris, Yes, The PCB thickness is 1mm. the PCB position below the rail thickness when the table go up the print position. Please advice or do you the service manual book.

MC110 High-Accuracy Manual Stencil Printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 07:56:25 EDT 2017 | prdmm1

our company has just purchased the MC110 High-Accuracy Manual Stencil Printer. the only thing I'm not sure about is how to use the PCB Edge Stopper. how is this used? the groove with the stoppers on it is too deep to hold a board because it would s

SMT Samtec dual edge connector assembly help

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 08 16:27:11 EST 2020 | rmitchell

We have a PCB with the dual sided connector that slides on from the edge and has leads on the top and bottom sides of the PCB. It has 20 leads on each side of the PCB with with about .8mm pitch. The PCB also has a gold grounding strip on the edge fo

DIMA smro 0406 is good machine or not for doing lead free reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 11 13:49:48 EST 2014 | emeto

If you have a chance ask them to bring in one of your products(take board, stencil and some heavy part on the PCB that will absorb a lot of heat). They should be able to screen(even manually) it for you, hand place the part and send it through the ov

Which Screen Printer ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 14:51:31 EDT 2019 | alexeyzb

Hello! I used three SpeedPrint 210avi in our factory. They worked ok, but i had some problems: 1) Printer foil clamps. Steel thin blade which press PCB on table is connected to metal base by glue. As a result you need to change it every month, but af

QFN aligment issues

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 18:11:20 EDT 2012 | rsikora

Your selection of pads to use as Fids will be critical. In your pictures of the QFN component, the pcb pads are primarily non-solder mask defined, but on 3 sides of the QFN the corner pads become solder mask defined due to the copper ground flood.

BGA rework equipment - suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 06 04:23:01 EDT 2014 | philc

For SFC.... Thanks for the link. Will check that one out some more. For Hedgemon, That is an alternative idea. We actually place the BGA over the print screen and run paste over the reverse, thus laying a film of paste over the BGA balls. This seems

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