Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 20:15:41 EDT 2007 | darby
PCB > Origin > Origin 0 4 Teach the corner of the pcb at the mechanical stop. This data is from the machine origin. For a unit with a teach camera it will probably be around -25x, 95y. For a beam sensor around 70x, 28y. This is for a right to left
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 15 20:58:17 EDT 2007 | darby
PCB > Origin > O* > Skip = No Data In > PCB > Mount > M* > Skip = No Data In > System > Parameter > Position > Waiting Pnt Check that the waiting point is not set at such a co-ordinate that the PCB sensor is seeing the gantry. The pcb sensor also h
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 28 15:58:38 EDT 2013 | sonavc
Hi. 'm new to this Fuji CP3, I bought this machine in working condition ( I saw it ran, but I forgot to check the board in and out ).... Moved to my location, Problem: When the board is trying to load to the X-Y table, it passed the conveyor B but
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 15 19:11:53 EDT 2006 | daxman
If I've been clear, the parts become offset as the XY table moves around, without fiducial correction. It's when it does a fiducial correction that the placement is alright. If the placement is excellent, and I just zip the table around...load posit
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 18:08:07 EDT 2002 | MikeF
This looks like it may be a good application for an Air-Vac or Wenesco type solder station. It is a solder pot that has a small motor to pump solder up through a chimney. You can put different nozzles on the top of the chimney, so you only apply sold
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